Cover Story: Waxela Sananda
Waxéla (wa-shay-la) Sananda is an activator of Spiritual Gifts, an Embodiment Coach, a Galactic Shaman, and an Ascension Trainer. Combining celestial starseed consciousness and shamanic training,
Waxéla (wa-shay-la) Sananda is an activator of Spiritual Gifts, an Embodiment Coach, a Galactic Shaman, and an Ascension Trainer. Combining celestial starseed consciousness and shamanic training,
When each one of us makes a decision based in love and faith, each time, when we do, we lift layers of fear for millions of other people
Since the dawn of time, humanity has relentlessly searched for the meaning of life, hoping to quench an inner sense of expression through outward adventures and conquests. We’ve created astounding works of art, climbed to the tops of corporate ladders, made millions of dollars, and donated those millions to worthy causes, and still, we continue to reach for greater and greater accomplishments.
The rules for how we access our personal power, are set up in childhood, exactly when we are the most confused, most innocent, most undefended and uninformed.
Step into the mind of an Olympic athlete for a moment. The average athlete’s main goal is to be undefeated at whatever sport that they
Our interaction triggered old narratives and made me unreceptive to any feedback from her. You see, over the years we’ve become distant due to the space I needed to get to know my shadow and grow through spiritual awakenings.
The unique qualities each human being possesses, whether faulty or otherwise, Is the very foundation of our being.
Whether you agree or disagree with any or all aspects of what is going on, doesn’t really matter. What matters is your ability to maintain your own personal energy amidst the chaos.
Many people have been asked to work from home if they can during our Covid-19 lockdown. If you are working from home then you can
“It is our responsibility to discern when to listen to our ally, the ego, and when to listen to our higher self, the soul”
Players focus more on endless amounts of side quests and missions in video games than setting goals and aspirations in the real world.
“there are “energy vampires” who extract the energy of those individuals who are not protected”
This will be a roller coaster month for some of us. While in the beginning we may be feeling social and want to share ourselves with others, during the latter part of the month when emotions are high, we may be feeling vulnerable and want to detach.
The survival response triggered in you will override your otherwise respectful & compassionate nature, frustrating you and distancing those you are relating with.
“Being on the cusp of the next shift may result in several life areas becoming discombobulated.”
My folk band is in our first year together and we already have gigs booked all year long at farmers markets, patio restaurants, and festivals. Good news, right? So why is my heart so heavy? Because I feel miles away from living my true calling.
Two separate worlds are happening simultaneously, and they’re living in the same house together.
” If the choice is not to work through those emotions, being stuck and unhappy become inevitable.”
“The more that manipulation or controlling an outcome occurs, the more it is pushed away.”
You know that feeling or thought, “I don’t belong,” or “What will others think when they find out I’ve fooled them into thinking I know what I’m doing?” The Imposter Syndrome is what psychologist describe as the deep and sometimes paralyzing belief that we have been given something we didn’t earn and don’t deserve, and that at some point we’ll be exposed.