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Your Differences Are Your Fuel

Your Differences Fuel the Creative Spark within You

The unifying principles that bring people together within a spiritual framework are rooted in commonality. Each of us strives for peace, equality, compassion, and respect between each other.

On the other hand, our differences – what make us unique from one another – should also hold a route to unification.

Unfortunately, many have yet to strengthen their character to establish that bond.

The unique qualities each human being possesses, faulty or not, are the very foundation of our being. “We all have something different to bring to the table” – the beliefs we hold about how the world is shaped, the interests we choose to focus our attention on, or what we decide to spend most of our time doing. All of it leads to each person as an individual wanting something different from life. Some may value hard work and dedication over leisurely fun and relaxation or vice versa. Our society must provide equal opportunity for all. But we have to face that some will choose to contribute less effort to themselves, and by large, their society as a whole.

There is an existential crisis ongoing in today’s world. When we decide to make everyone special, nobody is special. When we compare our lives to others around us, and we can’t tell the difference, this brings into question, what is the meaning of your life? And what is the incentive to stand out amongst your peers? If anything, it would be against your best interest if your society was to support everyone equally, no matter if they wanted to be an active member of your community or not.

In the current social framework, utopian ideals are impossible and dangerous. Simply put, the majority of humans do not treat each other as equals as of yet. Striving to merge for unification is necessary and a worthy cause but we need to recognize the process and the steps to take for human civilization on Earth to prosper.

Cultivating our uniqueness furthers creativity, which leads to innovation. That is the backbone of a strong economy – the freedom to go beyond what is established, implement new methods to old systems while maintaining the bedrock values and principles that make up a society under God.

