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Monthly Rhythm: Unspoken Hurt

This will be a roller coaster month for some of us. While in the beginning we may be feeling social and want to share ourselves with others, during the latter part of the month when emotions are high, we may be feeling vulnerable and want to detach. One of the ways we live life to its fullest is by sharing it with others. Yet while we are quick to share the pleasure, too often our hurt goes unspoken.

When we find ourselves engulfed in hurt—fear, emotional pain, unresolved issues, or whatever—we often feel too vulnerable to share it with others. Not speaking about our hurt becomes one of the very things that keep us from recovering from it. Yet when we share our pains with others, repressed energy gets released and we begin the healing process.

As with any month, this month will not be without its ups and downs. Open your mind up to new possibilities and steer clear of negativity. This month will move quickly, so this is a good time to stay positive and get moving on short-term projects. Instead of being a dry sponge to the negativity of the world, soak up the light of possibility and share yourself with others. Freedom comes from embracing the world.

Our goals this month should be to work on a better version of who we are and focus on seeing the world in a positive light. And what a better time than now for meditation, intuitive development, and sharing while striving for a higher vision of ourselves. These practices will help us bring those changes we have been wanting to make into our lives and take us from unspoken hurt to sharing fully in the joys of living.

