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Author: Kurtis Mercer

Picture of Kurtis Mercer
Kurtis Mercer is a spiritual coach in training with Kimberly Maska Pape. His ADHD diagnosis at the age of 13 caused him to struggle with personal identity for most of his life. This exasperated his mental illness leading him to abuse drugs and alcohol in his teens and mid 20’s. The lessons he learned from overcoming these experiences have now, at the age of 29, equipped him to help others wishing to reclaim their inner power. Kurtis specializes in emotional intelligence, working with the unconscious. He studies Ascension, The Law of One, and Ancient Mystery School Teachings.

The New Age Psy-Op vs the Metaphysic Community

Having a continuous stream of beliefs to choose from keeps the confusion going strong so that souls who are longing for more clarity on their spiritual identity of who they are have many options to choose from; any flavour that satisfies their Ego.   

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I Love My Ego

People can confuse what is Ego, is it good or bad? Do we have to hate on it because it’s mean to us? Of course not. Our Ego is looking out for our basic desire – to live and not die.

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