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What It Feels Like to Align to Your True Self

We are calm, trusting, and at peace. But, of course, there are still moments when we encounter heightened emotions and sometimes we can experience those lower vibrations of anger, frustration, shame, guilt, and doubt. But the amount of time it takes to work through these energies by recognizing the purpose of what these teaching emotions are gifting to us becomes much less frequent.

Reframing how we see these things; asking ourselves what we would love to do? Once we integrate this insight into our being, we can quickly take back our power from our Egos or any other infiltrations from outside energies that do not vibrate in the frequency of love. It feels like you’re watching a movie and you’re entirely aware – you are a character in the story, but at the same time, you know you’re also watching a movie and you can see the cameras, film crew, and stage props.

You have this trust that now you are conscious of The Game and how it is being played. You can Trust the Plan and yourself for being capable of having anything you desire. You know that what you desire, which makes you feel important, brings up a sense of pride and accomplishment. That, these feelings come from your True nature tapped directly from Source.

With that knowledge, you’re more forgiving towards your fellow man because you can now understand why people do what they do. You recognize that every person on this planet has free will; we all have the choice to do what we want when we want, and that Is a beautiful thing. Even if those choices can turn out to be undesirable for ourselves or others, we can still see these “failures” as opportunities to experience something unique and different.

Pain and suffering have their uses, and when we experience such things, they can either break us or mold us into a more resilient and courageous individual. The saying,” no pain, no gain,” does not only apply to building muscle at the gym.

We, as divine beings, are so free that we can choose not even to follow our divine purpose.

When you begin to align yourself to your True Self, you are gifted with knowledge of the nature of reality. How can this be applied in our day-to-day life?

Example: I used to think that it was my responsibility as a Lightworker to wake up everyone I came in contact with. That I was the one who was capable of awakening to the real world, so I was the only one who could wake up others. But I learned over time that not only was it not my responsibility to wake up everyone and that I needed to only focus on my healing. But I was wrong, thinking that I had somehow transcended my Ego. In actuality, it was ruling the show. Without those realizations from the knowledge of Source, I would continue to be self-righteous and arrogant.

Ultimately when we align ourselves to our Divine purpose, we are no longer following the path of free will. This might sound like a negative, but really, once we align to our True Self following our purpose. There is no longer a need to want to control. Because we fully trust in our Divine Creator. We are a part of him. Free will is only a factor when we are still practicing with polarity, weighing the two sides of the coin; do I want to serve myself or others? If we decide to use our free will to follow the service to others’ paths each day more and more, we align ourselves to God’s plan, and God’s plan becomes our plan.

Life becomes much easier, less stressful, and worrisome when we align to God’s plan —no longer thinking about what the future holds and caught up in the past. We are fully aware of where we are in this moment, and trusting in him to guide us to where we need to go is all that is necessary. A weight is lifted off our shoulders, and we can finally rejoice in the adventure of our lives ahead. There is nothing you can imagine that would even come close to what God has in store for you. Trust in him and set yourself free.

