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Your Mood Is Creating All the Time

Everything we experience is a reflection of our own vibration. If we are feeling sad for a long period of time, we are creating through our mood new encounters with new circumstances that will most likely make us feel sad again. If we are feeling angry most of the day, we are creating uncomfortable interactions with people around. And although it´s tempting to blame others for the way we feel, the truth is that we are extracting from people the exact match to our own vibrational offering.

Your mood is more important than you imagine. Your emotions are here to let you know permanently if you are headed in the right direction.  If you are feeling good, you can bet you are. If you´re feeling bad, then, you can rest assured knowing that your emotional guidance scale is working properly. Any time you are feeling less than good, your emotions are letting you know that you are in a state of resistance to your natural state of well-being.

Learning how your emotions work is a big task. It takes courage to admit an unwanted state of being, as much as it takes courage to admit that you are in a chronic bad mood during most of your day. It is easier to send the complaint to others, and blame circumstances for your own inability to enjoy life however you chose to create it so far. But let me tell you, that is the only way through, and once you learn and practice the art of letting go of resistance, you will go back to your natural state of feeling good.  If you feel like you are taking the “right” actions, but still don´t get the results, then it´s time to ask for the right guidance to navigate your emotions and make sure they are aligned with what you truly desire.

Now you´re probably thinking hey, action is important too.  And it is, action is important, too. However, action without the right emotion can feel like a lot of effort and poor results. Taking action forcing yourself to do things you don´t feel inspired to can even be counterproductive.  You don´t create through action as much as you create through your vibration, and your real power comes from a place of excitement where you take inspired actions toward your goal.

Your mood is your most important asset.  Master your mood and you will master your life. Be unconditional about feeling good, no matter what your current circumstances are.  Remember, circumstances don´t matter… only state of being matters.



