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You Need Nature, Magic, Adventure, Freedom, and TRUTH


What is it?

Are you living it?

What does it mean?

To me, it means to go forward in your life and in each moment pondering that question and making adjustments accordingly.

Truth is not something fully known.  It is a feeling you get from deep within, from your spirit.  It is that little voice that says, “ this feels good to me.  This looks good to me.  I know this is good.”  It is that which is good, true and beautiful.

To truly understand the truth, it is good for us to remember that we are spirit embodied.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.  When we were born, we innately knew that we are perfect, whole and complete.  We had a knowing that we are worthy and enough.  We knew we could trust the Universe and that we came from love, that we are love and that we return to love.

Then we grew up!

Life happened and we forgot the truth.

Fear took over.  We began to feel separate from one another and the truth.

People began to judge you on your looks, body, intelligence, actions, and your beliefs.  Parents controlled you, belittled you, fought in front of you and told you that your dreams were too big.  You got chosen last in gym class when teams were being picked and your spirit broke.  You felt less than everyone.  You made mistakes.  You perceived yourself as a failure.  You thought others were smarter, prettier and wealthier.  You wished your life was someone else’s.  You stopped being you to FIT IN.  You wore multiple masks to hide the real you.  Somewhere along the line, you forgot your GREATNESS.  You forgot your Divinity.  You forgot the TRUTH!!!

You sought external validation from your parents, teachers, and friends.

Then one day you woke up fat, tired and sick with cancer!  You knew that something had to change.

You became a seeker of TRUTH.  You sought out people, places and things to nourish your mind, body, and spirit, and you began to HEAL and suddenly you through the healing of the dis-ease you remembered the truth.  You found a beautiful teacher who took your hand and reminded you of the TRUTH.

You are worthy.

You are enough.

You are loved and cherished.

It doesn’t matter what others think of you.  You matter.

She reminds you consistently that your life matters and that all life matters because you are love!!

You realize that this journey of life is meant to learn lessons and grow through what we go through.  That healing your life is possible.  That although expansion is hard and painful, it is a necessary part of the soul’s growth.

You recognize that there is no failure and that failure is really the Universe propelling you in a different direction on your path.

And this wise wonderful beautiful teacher reminds you that your purpose is the BE.   That you are a human being and not a human doing.  She reminds you to connect to your breath and put a hand on your heart and connect to your TRUTH… and suddenly you realize all really is well in the world.  You recognize that you are a gift.  And that is the TRUTH.

You then give yourself permission to walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes.  That there is no need to explain these choices.  That you can trust what you feel. It is valid.  That your life is your own and that you are in control of your choices at all times.  Yes, my friends, this is my truth.

According to the Holy Spirit- the truth dwells in all. 

Be your own guru.  Seek the wise woman or wise man within and follow your truth to your best life. 

“Humans don’t realize that when it is your soul that is tired, no amount of sleep is enough. You need nature, magic, adventure, freedom, and TRUTH.”


