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Are You Slowing Profits Because You Fear the “No”?

fearing the no

Do you fear potential clients saying ‘No’? Do you worry that possible joint venture partners will not say ‘Yes’? Are you saying ‘No’ to your success subconsciously because of what you think it entails for you to be successful?

We all have this in business. In fact, we all have this in any area of our lives where we are not choosing to be the greatest version of ourselves. So let me share a tool, specific to business that I use. I have almost started using it as a search and rescue tool once a week to find anything lurking that is holding me back from assisting my business to be the greatest it can be. It has worked wonders and is one of the tools from Access Consciousness©.

It starts with a question and then ends in a clearing statement. For full details on what the clearing statement is, we have another article that goes over it so that we can stick with the juicy part of getting those profits rolling in. CLICK HERE to access that other article on our website.

” What decisions, judgements, conclusions, computations, projections, expectations, separations, and rejections do I have with my business, its profits and expansion and people saying yes or no? Everything that is I destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Right, wrong, good, bad, Pod, Poc, all nine shorts, boys and beyonds. ™”

This little gem of a question and then a clearing can be made even stronger by scheduling no more than 15 minutes into your workweek calendar to sit in quiet and focus on your business and where you have stopping points about ‘yes’ or ‘no’. I tell my team all the time, “What is the worst thing that can happen when you ask or market? That someone says ‘No’?” Nobody dies. Nobody gets a debilitating disease. You may just receive a ‘No’. And yet we hesitate. We do not choose to ask questions, and we do not choose to implement our great ideas in case someone says ‘No’.

Your 15 minutes

of the amazing profit increasing tool for the week:

1. Take a blank piece of paper and write down 10 things about your business that are not working, you are not implementing, you believe people will judge you for, you think will cost you money if it doesn’t work. Just 10. No more than that. If you receive more, and you have the time – great! If you receive more and you don’t have the time, staple those extras into your day timer for next week. If we make this too big of an ordeal, you will not stick to it. 15 minutes and moving on is the key!

2. Okay, so you have your 10. Read each one out loud (I have a tendency to put my pointer finger on the line just a weird habit that I use) and then state out loud, ” All of the decisions, judgements, conclusions, computations, projections, expectations, separations and rejections  I have with this and my business, its profits and expansion and people saying yes or no and everything that is I destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Right, wrong, good, bad, Pod, Poc, all nine shorts, boys and beyonds.

3. After you have completed your 10, ask, ” What can I do, be, or implement today that will create profit in my business right away?”

4. Then implement it.

This should be something that takes only 20-30 minutes to complete. Nothing more. Schedule it in. Or if you have time, do it right away. Do not let it slide into next week or be forgotten altogether. If we implement nothing, we create and receive nothing and instead perpetuate the continuing of the minimal or no profit that we are choosing.


