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Why Spiritual Entrepreneurs Struggle with Charging Their Worth and How to Overcome It

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She turned up for her session, exhausted, burnt out, and ready for quitting. I listened and held space for her to speak. Then we got to work. As I listened to my client’s voice, I could feel her frustration and clear sadness that despite everything she was doing, despite everything she had worked so hard for,  she felt like she was stuck in a rut. 

Her clients were turning over 100K+ in less than 6 months and she was struggling to charge £200ph. 

This is where her passion was leading her to failure rather than embodying her successes. Her relationship with money meant she felt she wasn’t worthy or deserving to not only charge her worth but receive the money in a fair exchange for the services she was providing.  

This is just one example of how spiritual entrepreneurs are struggling to charge their worth. 

Another example was my client who came to me, feeling just as frazzled but a slightly different story, it didn’t matter what she put out into the world as a spiritual entrepreneur, she felt afraid of the judgments of being wealthy, she had this underlying notion, that she had to serve the world, and expect nothing in return. Her healing gifts were changing lives, yet asking for the financial exchange just hurt her heart. 

This core belief was that no matter what she just couldn’t ask for money, it made her feel uncomfortable and icky and was causing her so much stress, her next step was to quit and find an employed role. 

Her heart was screaming at her, she didn’t want to work for anyone else, but she couldn’t see how her passion could lead to her paying her bills. 

Have you ever felt this way as a spiritual entrepreneur? 

It’s a hard place to be. I’ve been there. 

I was 26 when I started my VA business and asking for money in exchange for my services was not a comfortable experience. 

I had to change my energy, self-worth, and mindset to shift it. 

How many of these points can you relate to? 


  • You avoid sending invoices and chasing payments 
  • When a potential client asks you for the fees and you say: “I’ll send you an email” 
  • You don’t feel confident with your pricing and would rather undercharge your competitors 
  • Asking someone to pay you makes you feel really uncomfortable
  • You struggle to ask your customers to get in touch to book 
  • Your marketing and call-to-actions are not converting 
  • You feel like money is never going to flow to you
  • Doing your bookkeeping or accounts leads to sleepless nights 
  • You freeze at the thought of asking someone to work with you 
  • Answering financial questions about your business makes you feel uncomfortable

If you answered 1-2 you’re probably doing ok in your business and ready for an energetic boost. 

If you answered 3-6 you are probably still at the losing sleep stage 

If you answered 7-10 you are probably in tears reading this. 

These stages of growth are not to be feared they are here to help you. 

Now is the time to use this information to your advantage and take action. 

One action I took from this place was to begin opening my mind to learning about the law of attraction and things began to slowly change. 

Remember: “What you think, and what you feel become your reality.”

It’s time to shift, and there are so many ways you can do this. 

But I don’t want to just set you a task, I want you to really have that transformative experience. So let’s get to work and start you off with some journal and burn. 

Make a list of all the reasons why you still believe you are not worthy of receiving money, including any stories, experiences and also all your emotions around money. Don’t forget to add in all the beliefs as to why your clients shouldn’t pay you for your services. 

Once you have done that, you have a deeper awareness. 

With that deeper awareness. You can set yourself free.  Find your flow with forgiveness and release that energy.  

As an advanced Ho’opnopono Practitioner and Advanced EFT Practitioner, I combine these two modalities for a quicker and easier shift. 

Take that list of negative stories, beliefs, and energies outside – to burn it.  *DISCLAIMER I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY for your burning the paper. I trust you will use your own risk assessments and due diligence. 

As you watch the paper and the words burning away, start tapping on your collarbone and repeat as many times as you need to: 

I’m sorry 

Please forgive me 

Thank you 

I love you 

Keep going until you feel the shift. Make sure to drink lots of water and let the energy do its thing.


