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Why Do We Always Look at the Wounds?

What if all your needs are met?!

Why do we always look at the wounds?

I see many people look at me with confused eyes when they come for help in their limiting emotions, behaviors, or beliefs when I say the words,

“But what if all your needs are already met?  What if you have your focus on what’s not there instead of what is there, what is going well in your life.

How would your life look now, if the focus was not only on the good, but the absolutely amazing, but you just don’t see it, because you have been so busy focusing on what you believe is not working.”

This is a conversation I have with so many people I work with globally, and their body language screams confusion within their eyes, and very few have an aha moment of awakening.

Where they say, “You mean I get to choose?!”

This I find so endearing as we as a human race have been taught to always look at the negative in our lives, but this is changing at a drastic speed.

Instead of looking at the wounds of the inner child, we are retraining to look not only at the present moment but to our future and why we are here at this time of the planet ascension, what is our Soul’s destiny.

Some people are happy to stay stuck in this state and keep looking at the limitations they place upon themselves, which will, in turn, keep them stuck in their lives, and be like the hamster on the forever-moving wheel.

But others who really grow and have raised conscious awakenings are the ones that are very confused to start with, and when I tell them,

“Wow, I love confusion as it’s the state before you have massive growth. Always welcome confusion in your life, as it will really help you grow within your soul’s destiny.”

So I ask you, what are you focusing on right at this very moment?

Are you focusing on what you do not have?


The soul relationship you wish for?


The material possessions your neighbors have?


The money you wish to have in the bank?


A higher vibration?


Being in 5D and feeling humanity’s expansion?


Having a very successful spiritual business?

The list goes on and on.

I ask you to really look within your life and look at the beauty where all of your needs are really met, because when we came into consciousness within the womb as a baby. Most people were well-fed, warm, had love, were bonded with our mothers, had everything to make us grow into healthy babies, children, and then adults.

Even if we did come up against some adversities within life, (I have never met anyone that hasn’t) it is those adversities that make us grow and have the strength and gain power in our energy.

I personally come from an era where we were taught at a very young age of our many limitations, which then turns into negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves.

Change the perception of those adversities into power as it’s what gave you the resilient strength.

Start believing that regardless of what is going on in your life.

All your needs are met and you have a feeling of excitement and wonderment and start to see what happens within your life.

Empower the true blessings of your human existence NOW!

