I believe that money is merely Energy that comes IN to us as a reflection of the Energy we put OUT to the Universe. I’ve noticed also that it doesn’t always come directly from where we put our energy in in the first place.
Many times, if an entrepreneur takes a loss somewhere – whether it be a poor investment, or getting stiffed by a client – you might put a lot of energy into recuperating your money directly from that source. You might fight for a refund if something you bought didn’t pan out. Or you might chase after a client or customer that refused to pay you. But realizing that money is merely energy, if I take a loss somewhere, I am pretty quick to let it go and put my energy into something constructive, knowing I will get it back somewhere else.
The same is true in marketing. Entrepreneurs are extremely focused on ROI (return on investment). There’s a permeating belief in business that a marketing activity is only good if there is a direct, measurable income from that activity – and that activity alone.
But sometimes a marketing activity does a lot of good without there being much direct correlation from energy spent to energy received. For example, I make a video series each week for entrepreneurs. I spend a lot of time on each video, and do my best to share the wealth of knowledge I have on branding and marketing. But I’ve never had a person say, “I saw this one particular video you made and just have to hire you!”
Instead, I meet people through groups. referrals, and so on. When we do begin interacting, I share some videos with them, and the videos do a lot to bolster my credibility.
I also notice that when I spend more time sharing knowledge freely in Facebook Groups, I begin to get more clients. And the funny thing is, they’re usually not directly from the Facebook Groups. They might not have even seen my posts. But the energy reciprocation is the same.
A practical person might say the Facebook Groups or the video series are a waste of time since the clients I got did not arrive directly from those sources. But I know the clients I got were the Energy coming back to me. I shared my energy in the Groups, it got used as needed by those entrepreneurs who saw my posts, and then came back to me via the path of least resistance.
Someone focused solely on ROI might get discouraged if there were no direct, measurable return of the energy exerted into the Groups. You make a post, someone sees it, and they become a client. That’s direct and measurable.
But in the real world, it doesn’t work that way. You make a post, and people see it. You continue making posts, and answering questions, and you build a reputation for yourself. Someone you don’t know may see the post and tell someone else about you. That person might visit your website without ever having seen your post in the first place. They may get on your list and eventually become a client or customer.
From your perspective, this person came out of nowhere, and nobody has come from your posts in the Group. But as spiritual entrepreneurs, we know there is so much going on behind the scenes in our favor. There isn’t always a direct correlation between an action we take, and the reaction we perceive and receive. Sometimes there are things happening in the middle that we can’t see.
So go ahead and share more and more of your energy freely. It will come back to you big time. It’s not your job to determine how or when it comes to you. Seriously, who cares? Just keep putting the energy out there in whatever ways work for you, and the Universe will reciprocate in the easiest, fastest ways possible. Even if it’s not direct.