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Who Am I?

“I want to buy a house, get married and live happily ever after!”

“I want to have a successful career and earn a lot of money!”

“I want to finish my doctorate and have an outstanding career!”

“I want to achieve financial freedom so I can choose my own lifestyle”

Sounds familiar?

Sure, if you ask anyone around you, I believe many will confidently say those phrases and most are aware of their potential or talent M1_Featuredand always ready to seek the way to reach their goals! In that case, shouldn’t we be at the top 3% over normal average? If so, we wouldn’t hear any internal or external criticism and there would be no more abuse, addiction or intoxication, alcohol and drugs.

But that’s not always the case. What has gone wrong?

After years of my clinical experiences through consultation, counseling, coaching or even ordinary conversations, it appears to me that a lot of people do not understand who they truly are, though they just talk about who they think they are or who they think they want to be.


“I want to be more accomplished than my peers!”

“I do not trust anyone. Human, by nature, cannot be trusted! I must find ways to control and manipulate them!”

“I hate the negativity coming from my family. I want to earn more money, be free and stay away from them!”

“My spouse’s infidelity has caused all these aftermath problems. I must be strong and independent and do not need to rely on anyone!”

Who Am IWith these desires in our hearts, we rely on our own abilities and skills to climb to the top of the peak. When we are there, we feel and suspect something is missing or not right. Whether or not we have reached our destinations, we somehow feel the confusion, anxiety, fear & loss of balance. It seems that we are unable to do anything, and everything is out of control. From then on, we continue the path of destruction until we collapse or give ourselves some time out.

The point of realization whispers, “I started at the wrong place.” Seriously, it is not our intention to go there at the beginning. Somehow, we subconsciously are dominated and influenced by our surroundings which in turn may greatly shape our behavior and habits.  They deviate us from our “actual” destiny. Adding to fast pace, dynamics change and bipolar society that we have created causes everyone mental issues and soon leads to neuropathic destruction.

Only then we become more aware. When we spend a lifetime pursuing our goals and dreams, suddenly it turns out meaningless, or we feel that our core values are so distant from who we truly are. Therefore, we end up with ‘Billion Dollar’ Questions.


“Who am I?”

“What is my life path?”

“What is my passion?”

I certainly believe, everyone has absolute control of their life journey and determine the directions in which they want to go. Every situation is within our own control. We are the only ones in this world who are able to understand what’s best for our own sake. And if we end up at the same point of destination, what are we going to do?

IMG_3569Each of us has our own life map, how we move and react is all based on our mind filter, values, dreams and expectations of the ways of other see us. We thought that we have to reach and live the life that we want, but after reaching a certain life stage, we do not feel really happy. It seems that we are a stranger to ourselves. We do not even recognize it and do not understand why.

This is who we are as a human being. We always wait until we are lost, and then we willingly begin to understand ourselves. Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.  It is time for self-reflect who am I.


“Whom am I connected to?” (God/Universe/Divine/Myself)

“What have I accomplished or I want to accomplish?”

“What are my self – beliefs and values to other?”

“How my actions impact and influence other?”

“How does other perceive me?”

“What do my actions effect the surroundings?”


It is not only the time of self-reflection, it is the time to be awakened, empowered with clarity and wisdom to understand who we are.


