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Where Do I Begin?

A lot of us want change in ourselves and our life but just don’t know where to start. There are 3 areas that are truly the basis for change. First, we want to look into raising the standards of our life and that of our being. Do your best to move out of and beyond your comfort zone. Stretch the limits of your belief system, step outside of yourself. Look at your life as a sacred journey. Experience and allow new ideas, new ways of being. When you feel yourself getting comfortable again, stretch and move beyond. Adversity, discomfort, uncertainty, and inconvenience are the moments in life where the greatest learning and growth occur. Embrace the unknown, the times in our lives where we might feel overwhelmed or where we don’t want to push forward anymore. Your growth edges hold the greatest magic. In the process of exploring these edges, you develop understanding and compassion for others who, like you, are using this earth experience for their growth and evolution.

As you take inventory of your life and start to clean up the mess, your natural frequency, your vibration will start to rise. Through the raising of your frequency, you will start to have a different perspective on life. You will begin to realize that it’s not all about “me”. That life is this beautifully woven tapestry we are all a part of, wherein lies a deeper meaning to life. Work towards spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical development. Have the courage to take risks. A mysterious journey awaits you when you have the courage to step into a new reality.

Then, once you start to sense a change within your being and notice that your perceptions are becoming clearer, look to raise your peer group. Who do you listen to and let influence you? Hands down, environment beats will. Meaning, that you will adapt to and become who you associate with. Whether that’s highly successful people or lazy, unmotivated people, you will be the next. Love your family and choose your friends wisely, like your life depends on it because it does.

These are the 3 main keys to stay focused on. Always look to stay inspired with the thoughts of all new possibilities. Learn to say yes to all that crosses your path, within reason, of course, there are no mistakes or chance encounters. Next, you must cultivate the mental and physical discipline to stay on this new path. Abandon your fears with unwavering faith and belief in yourself and your abilities to create the life you so desire. Finally, surrender to a higher purpose. You chose to come here in this moment of human history for a reason. You are here to raise your vibration, do great things and be the bright, beacon of light you were meant to be. There are many who long to be touched by those who have basked in the brilliance of the light.

“Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life” ~ Mark Twain.

