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Whenever Something Negative Happens in Your Life

“Whenever something negative happens in your life,
there is a deep lesson concealed within it.”
~ Eckhart Tolle

When tragedy strikes, humans have the ability to choose their response.  They can choose love over hate, understanding over anger and belief over fear.  They can choose the five pillars of earth school to help heal.  They are:

  1. Trust that the Universe has our back.  We can believe that life is happening for us and not too us.
  2. Faith in a Power greater than us.  Align with that Source we call GOD.
  3. Compassion for one anotherIMG_3020
  4. Forgiveness 
  5. Unconditional love of self and others.

Taking steps in the right direction include making the decision to be more loving and kind and leading with an open heart.  We can be kind by doing random acts of kindness which include and is not limited to such things as buying a coffee for a neighbor or stranger, opening doors, greeting each other with a smile which is the same in any language, taking time to really listen when someone is speaking, etc.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.” ~Aesop

Kindness is not an act- it is a way of life.

At a time of tragedy, there will be the initial shock.  Intend to share the facts and not gossip.  There will be sadness and initial anger.  When we choose to love and honor each other’s journeys then healing can occur.

Choose to remember the lives of the people who perished in the accident.  Celebrate their goodness and keep their memories alive.

Part of the wisdom that comes with walking through our life is to leave the WHY to the investigators and instead focus your attention on becoming one of the helpers.  Help through kindness and understanding and lend a hand when and where you can.

Keep your intentions pure and act with integrity.  Life is still beautiful. Even though it is bad in these days, there is still something good in each day.  Even though there is darkness, God allows the sun to rise tomorrow and with the light of a new day will come hope and faith for joy once again to be experienced.

We are so much stronger than we think.  We have a strength within us that can move mountains.  Tap into that strength to heal the community and all the beautiful people.

During this time of intense emotion and grief, allow all the feelings to flow through you.  Acknowledge the feelings.  Write them down. Share with a friend, doctor or counselor. Seek professional help when you can’t function with activities of daily.IMG_3021  Release in healthy ways such as getting fresh air and exercise and do something that nourishes your spirit.

Allow healing in.  Healing is – helping everyone allow more love into your life.  Life is not meant to be easy but together we can grow through what we go through.  We grow very much during times of sorrow.

Three concepts that I have learned that can help are:

  1. Compassion – everyone suffers at some time in their life.  By seeing through the eyes of compassion we heal.  Compassion is key.
  2. Appreciation – appreciation appreciates.  Find things to appreciate.  It can be small things.  ( I realize now, there are no small things.  all of life is precious.  The tiniest things have brought me the greatest joys….. coffee in the morning.  hearing the birdies singing.  fresh air.  seeing a bunny scurry across the road…. a phone call from a friend… a surprise in the mail. – all small things.. but big things.)
  3. Action – asking myself what CAN I do?  if I can’t change something, fix it or make it better then I know I can send love…. that is what I can do.  

Tragedies can bring us all closer together.  Forgiveness of self and all others allows people to come together for the higher good.  We are all meant to help each other.  After all ….. we are all walking each other home.  Home to God.  Home to heaven.

Tragedies test the depth of our characters.   Ask yourself this, “How am I going to show up?  Do we show up kind? Considerate? Are we resolving to become a better soul in-spite of everything?  Are we living more from our soul or our ego?” The answers to these questions are within each one of us.  My hope is that we choose to see and experience the miracles in each day.

Giuliana Giuliano-Melo


