Do you pay attention to your surroundings?
Do you walk around with both eyes open?
Or do you walk around as though you have both eyes shut?
Most of us are guilty of seeing but not paying attention to what is around us mainly because we are all so busy being busy. I encourage you to take some time out, take a note pad and pen and walk around your house as though it is for the first time. Make a conscious effort to open your eyes and actually see…
Start outside your house, and look at your home from across the street, what do you notice?
Here are some questions and solutions you may want to pay attention to:
- Are there any trees or ivy touching your property? If so your house is telling you that it’s being drained of energy.
Solution: Cut these away so they do not touch your house.
Can you see your front door? Is it easy to find? Where does your eye go when you first look at your house? If your eye goes straight to your garage, then this is known as a ‘big-mouthed house’ and your house is telling you that the energy is not making it through your front door. If you can’t physically see your front door, neither can the energy.
Solution: Light the path up to guide the eye towards your front door and away from your garage as energy goes where the eye goes. Make this area look very pretty so it attracts your attention before anything else does.
- Do you have two exterior doors? If you were visiting for the first time, is it obvious to a stranger which door is your front door? If you have two doors which you frequently use, then your house is telling you to choose one and stick to it as much as possible. Make sure all the delivery guys use this door too. If visitors don’t know, how will the energy know which is your main door for it to enter?
Solution: Put a house name or number at your front door. Put up a doorbell, flower pots or hanging baskets to make the main entrance door much more attractive than the other door so it is obvious which door is the correct one for visitors and energy to enter through.
- Is your entrance welcoming? If you have a front garden area, is it neat and tidy and does it look pretty? If it isn’t then your house is telling you that you aren’t attracting the right energy, you want to attract the good vibrant energy to your home.
Solution: Spend time tidying up your garden and making your entrance attractive.
- Are your windows clean and gleaming? If not your house is telling you that your vision is clouded.
Your windows are the window to your future; keep them clear so you can see what is ahead.
Solution: Clean your windows and sills, clearing away any cobwebs too.
Tip: If you are struggling with a decision or problem, cleaning your windows inside and out somehow clears your mind. Try it; it works for me every time!