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What Does It Mean if You Keep Seeing 11:11 ?

You’re on the bus and just at the moment you look at your phone, it says 11:11. At work when you’re sitting at your desk, you check the time, and again it says 11:11. When you get a receipt from the cashier you notice 11:11 yet again. What the heck does this mean? 

So many of us see this number on a daily basis sometimes multiple times a day. So much so that you can think your the only one that’s gone totally bonkers. But you look online and realize this phenomenon is massive.

I remember seeing this number all the time when I first started learning Reiki. I would even see it in my dreams. I then came across a radio station called Awakening Code Radio that literally talked about this subject and was why this station was created. Because so many people were waking up and seeing this number. 

So What Do I Do Next?

The number 11:11 is like a code from your Angels and guides. Similar to how we use morse code our angels use numbers and frequencies to help provide the guidance we are needing. When we see this number we are awakening to our true purpose.

The Greek philosopher, Pythagoras believed that numbers hold specific vibrational frequencies, with numerology believed to hold information that can tell us our life path. According to numerology 11:11 is known as a Master Number associated with intuition, inner wisdom and life purpose.

This number holds a specific frequency with the intention of waking us up and showing you that you are on the right path. You are linking in with your soul. 

1.   Cleanse and Clear Your Energy

When you start to open up more it’s important to learn how to protect your energy. At the same time as I was learning Reiki, I was also learning Angel Healing and was super open. So when I was going to my bank job I felt completely overwhelmed by anxiety because I could sense and feel emotions around me.

An easy way to protect your energy is to imagine you are surrounded by a golden light. Do this visualization every day to help clear your energy field.

2.   Work On Your Mindset

Another reason why you may be seeing the number 11:11 is to shift your belief system. Our beliefs are what shapes our reality. What we think we create. Of course, it is more complicated than that but energy speaks and if you hold a belief that has created a reality you no longer resonate with, it’s time to change it. 

You have the power to direct your thoughts and life so choose empowering rather than disempowering thoughts. One simple way to do this is to regularly listen to Affirmations. I do this just before bed when the subconscious mind is at it’s most powerful and receptive. You can listen to affirmations or certain frequencies such as 852HZ during meditations.

3.   Tune Into Your Spirit Guides

I’ve always believed we have our own personal Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels surround and protect us. Of course, certain events and situations are outwith their and our control but overall our Guides are here to help us on own personal journey. 

I remember when I was a teenager and before I knew anything about angels or guides I would try and meditate and always this loving presence would come forward. I could visualize him in my mind’s eye. It was always a young man dressed in white flowing trousers and a shirt. He had calm energy about him and every time I would connect in, I could feel this overwhelming energy of love emanating from him. To this day I still connect to my guide. He has helped me through many tough times, giving me hope for a new tomorrow as well as much needed guidance.

To connect to your spirit guide all you need to do is ask. Intention is a powerful energy and when we send our intentions out to the Universe it will be delivered. You just need to believe it to be so. In meditation try and calm or quiet the mind. Tune into your heart center and ask for the highest possible loving energy to come through. Then ask from a space of love and peace that your spirit guide comes forward. It may not happen right away but keep tuning in when you can, asking for guidance and signs your guide is around you. 

I really hope this has helped provide the clarity you are needing right now. I still often see 11:11 and when I do I know that something big is just around the corner. Get excited 🙂 



