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What Are You Allowing to Be in Control of Your Happiness?

Is it money? Is it your weight? Is it other people? Is it the way I am writing this article so far?

Every single interaction can either control our happiness or contribute to it. We get to choose. If we allow others or situations to control our happiness, we can only be as happy as they or IT will let us.

Woman visiting Montmartre, Paris

Let me give you some examples:

You are at a training course. The material is amazing. The value that you are receiving is over the top. However, you repeatedly complain about it being chilly in the room. You are allowing the temperature in the room to control your happiness.

What are your other options around this? Buy a hot drink, purchase a sweater on your break, put your jacket on, snuggle with the person beside you – keep on going enjoying the 90+% that is amazing. Don’t let the temperature control your happiness.

That example does not resonate with you? Here’s another one:

You go to a wedding. The weather is great. The dress is beautiful, the flowers, the band. However, the chicken is dry. What do you tell everyone you come into contact with about the wedding? The chicken was dry. You have allowed the chicken to be in control of your happiness.

Is this the glass is a half full type of deal? Absolutely.

However this statement – “What am I allowing to be in control of my happiness?” is a game changer.

When things are not going the way I would like them to in my business, with my health, with my family, my relationships I will ask myself – what am I allowing to be in control of my happiness.? Asking that question brings into your awareness that you do have a choice.

Just this week it allowed me to continue to enjoy an already amazing day. What? Let me explain.

The day was going wonderful, all prepped and ready to go for a meeting with an individual who had canceled last minute for two weeks in a row.  There were what I believed to be valid excuses for the cancellations however when week three came into play and there was a 20min notice of cancellation – that person’s business behavior gained control of my happiness.

I was choked. I was angry. I was attempting to move something forward in my business and this person didn’t seem to give a roottie toot. So as I “walked it off” as I do when working on emotional triggers to find a solution I asked – Why am I allowing this person to be in control of my happiness? What are other possibilities available here? What do I know about all of this that makes me happy? What do I need to choose in this moment to be in control of my happiness?

What could have been an all-day grumbly point became an opportunity for awareness! It was the awareness that I could choose to be happy or consumed. I could choose to co-create with people who desired to create at my level or better yet – greater than me. This creates happiness for me. I regained in that moment of clarity control of my happiness.

So I ask you – What Are You Allowing to Be In Control Of Your Happiness?


