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We Are Here to Feel

soul embodimentWhen searching for our rhythm as business owners and entrepreneurs it can be challenging when taking a vantage point of your entire situation from a place of EGO. 

If we can take a moment to truly understand what is propelling us towards our desires, it can release so many of the expectations and limiting beliefs that are preventing us from evolving into the next level of amazingness in our lives and especially in our businesses.  Each and every single one of us has a drive that is deep inside, prompting us to search out and find the “highest” vibration of energy that can contribute to our wholeness. We seek it in many ways before we discover or are led to our Divine Source and we just KNOW that THIS. IS. IT.

Before we step into that awareness it may look like any number of things. It could be physical, mental, emotional.  Always trying to “gain” what the “next level” is.  Maybe it’s promotions at work, seeking the achievement of the reward of power, control, etc. Maybe it’s an addiction of some kind (understanding that OF COURSE, we become addicted, because guess what? WE REQUIRE energy to SURVIVE so if we don’t know where to get it, then we may end up down “another” path to get “there”).  These are looked at from a standpoint of understanding, not enabling and ignoring.surrender

We are lacking mentors and guides in our society because “the way” has been forgotten, skewed by ego, and practically eradicated from our knowing. Thankfully the LIGHT will NEVER cease to be in existence. We will FOREVER be connected to Source, regardless of our form. As human beings, we have the ability to achieve things FAR beyond our wildest imaginations. TOGETHER we can accomplish this EVEN FASTER!!

But remember this. We are not here to accomplish great feats. We are not here to conquer the world. We are here to FEEL. In ALL its glory. Every molecule of emotion that our bodies were INNATELY designed to TAKE IN and PROCESS. Because this is our AGREEMENT before coming here, we must all go through the journey of REMEMBERING what it feels like to CONNECT to Source. When we release FEAR and embody COURAGE we start to feel again. With these emotions, we begin to CHANNEL that which the Divine is guiding and prompting us to do. With these FEELINGS we can SEE where we are going! The more we allow in, the more direction we receive.

We are all here as mirrors to reflect ACCEPTANCE, LOVE, and GRATITUDE for our lives on this beautiful planet. When we radiate this back to one another, we begin to INCREASE the vibrations of the planet. When we HOLD SPACE (allow ourselves AND others to experience the “heavier” emotions) then we EXPAND.

We allow people to actually SEE themselves THROUGH us! It’s the most beautiful, satisfying, and perfect gift you can give humanity. Because with THIS gift, it gives EVERYONE permission to BE the light, the love, and the joy that we are missing. We do this by releasing pieces of our EGO a little at a time. Eventually, there is no EGO left, and it is sweet surrender. Together let’s BE that mirror for everyone to see what it looks like to live a heart-filled reality led by Spirit.  We have the POWER inside of us to BE the change, just by sending these vibrations out to the world.  Just by living in this space. shield

What is the natural effect of all these internal vibrational changes?  ABUNDANCE in every single way.  There is NOTHING more powerful than channeling the energy of Source and shining it brightly into the world.  OF COURSE, the result is to draw in everything we could possibly need to accomplish what sets our soul on fire.  After all, we are Divine Beings and master creators that easily manifest all of what we are projecting from within.  So if there is something that is out of alignment or undesirable in your current reality, it is an excellent opportunity to ask what piece of the EGO is wanting to be released to make room for the glorious feeling of being present and basking in the glow of a body filled with Spirit.


