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Wait a Minute…What’s Happening?

I’m starting to feel a little bit like I’m in the twilight zone…DeeDoDeeDoDeeDoDeeDo…

At first, I thought, this will all blow over in a few days…But now I’m getting a clearer picture of what’s happening…and WHY!…

Yes, the obvious thing is there’s a virus out there that’s created a pandemic…I’m not talking about the obvious, what’s happening on the surface. Because if you’re clever, you realize everything happens for a reason. It’s not random.

And in order to see things from a clearer perspective, we must pan out because otherwise we only see what’s happening in a tiny radius of scope. Soooo…as I pan out…I see things…

What do you see? you ask… Lemme look… Well, I see the reason we’re going through all this commotion is because we’re getting ready as a collective to go through a big SHIFT… an AWAKENING…

And in order to realize the shift… we must come in touch with our fears… so that we can heal them…

The thing is that we are so good and clever about avoiding our fears that the Universe created a situation that forces us to STOP and BE STILL for a while… and the heat’s getting turned up… it’s like a refiner’s fire… burning away the chaff and leaving behind the gold!

So, what can we do about it?

I’ll tell you what I AM doing, which is working for me… First, I AM healing any fears that arise. (I’ve gotten pretty good at that!)… Then I just go with the flow right straight into JOY!

I figure I can approach this from one of two ways… I could panic and worry and get my liver in a quiver and make my heart fart… or I could treat this like a giant ADVENTURE, wondering what new experience awaits at every turn!

It’s a no-brainer to me… I choose adventure over panic… LOVE over fear… PEACE over worry.

And I remind myself that this moment is PERFECT. Everything I need and want is here now. Everything that’s here now is perfect… even any fear, disappointment, loneliness, sadness, grief… all of it is perfect and entirely beautiful… in fact, all of it deserves my love and attention.

It feels wonderful to be able to HOLD all of me in my loving embrace. This is how we heal ourselves. This is how we shift into a new way of being. This is how we awaken to the LOVE that we are.

All is well, my friends.

Things are not what they seem.

Everything is in process as it’s meant to be.

Let it go. Let it flow.

Ahhh! Relax! Breathe!


