Do you create a vision for your year? Do you set an intention* to guide you?
What is a vision board?
It is a tool used to help maintain focus on what you wish, dream, and desire to bring into your life during the current year.
It is a board that you display words, quotes, images, pictures, and intentions of what you want to bring into your life. You can put inspirations words for your goals, dreams, desires, and places you want to see on it.
Ask yourself:
What do I want to see? Be? Do? Where is your focus? A vision board helps us FOCUS on what we want. It gets the ideas out of our head and onto paper.
Photo of you
- Numbers of the year
- Letters to create your name or a felt pen to write it down
- Poster board, paper or canvas
- Old magazines or newspaper etc
- Scissors
- Glue
- Tacks
- Choose a word for your year by asking yourself these questions. What do I need? What words speak to me? Ex. Peace, love, joy, light, rest, passion, abundance, grace, believe, faith. What do you want your year to look like? Choose a word that speaks to you.
- Cut out images from magazines or print off
- Set aside a couple of hours to complete your board. Connect to the Divine and ask for help to bring your wishes to life
- Place photos of you, your name and the year in the center of the board.
- Add your words and cutouts of images on wherever it feels good. Allow your spirit to guide you to the placement.
- Display it where you can look at it. The Secret is to FEEL how happy you are when you have brought into reality that which you want.
*Intention- a thing intended, a plan, a goal
I wish for you all your dreams come true!! I always say to the Universe, this or something better!!
~Giuliana Melo