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Using Your Breath to Focus Your Intention

Use Your Breath to Focus Your IntentionOur breath is one of the most profound tools we have for transformation. Yet, we often overlook it. 

We have so many amazing tools to assist us in evolving and transforming along our spiritual journey, but simply being present with ourselves through our breath is one of the most powerful. And when you think about it. This tool of breath is at the core of so many other tools we use. 

So you know how to breathe right? That’s a great place to start then. So many people skip over this simple practice because they believe they have to learn some fancy breathing technique. Of course like anything else, we can make breathing complicated, but there’s no need. Just following the rhythm of your own breath will bring you back to center quicker than anything else I know. No matter what emotion you are feeling, you can focus on your own breath and get back to a neutral space. If you want to bring it up a notch, go ahead and put your hand on your chest or belly, so you can actually feel the rise and fall. This physical connection will pull you back into yourself even faster. 

Great, we’ve got the basics covered. So how can your breath help you to focus your intention?

In short, a breathing practice is a natural practice of focus. Simply layer your intentions on top of that and voila! you are focusing and harnessing your own energy. You can do this as part of a daily practice or in the moment. 

Let’s break it down. You can breathe anywhere. No special tools needed. And intention setting isn’t just meant for meditation or journaling time. Quite often in the midst of a situation, we need to pause, reassess and set a new intention for how we want that experience to go. Two or three focused breaths with a clear idea, vision or thought can help you shift your energy in a pinch. If you are a fan of Abraham Hicks and you do intention setting before each new segment, adding breath work to it adds an extra layer.

Being present in your breath is the most powerful way we can connect to and work with our energy and the energy around us. Where our attention goes, our energy goes. Focusing on our breath brings our attention back to ourselves, allowing us to create a stable, solid point of attraction. We are our own point of attraction. So creating the energy we want within ourselves is key to what we are attracting. 

Whether you have a daily spiritual practice or not, adding in breathwork and intention-setting routine can help you create the reality you are desiring. How so, you ask? It helps you get centered and clear. Those are two foundations in deliberate creation. Being centered in your own energy allows you to get clear on where you want to go. Even if you are angry, for example,  getting centered helps you get clear on how you want to proceed. No matter where you are emotionally or mentally, focus on your breath will center you, allowing you to gain clarity on where you are and where you want to be. As you move towards where you want to be, touching in with your breath and intention, allows you to navigate your journey. 

So next time you catch yourself breathing, as we all do, check in with your intentions and use that dynamic duo to power the life you want! 

