Have you ever shivered when you have walked into a property, or felt an eerie unexplainable presence? This feeling can be caused by spirits trapped between two worlds.
Last month’s article was all about clearing negative environmental energies from your property that may prevent you from selling. What we didn’t discuss was the possibility of you having ‘unwanted house guests’. Spirits, ghosts, entities, whatever you prefer to call them, can have a big impact on your life, your wellbeing, and it could also affect your ability to sell your property.
If a house has a reputation as being haunted, I predict the amount of people wanting to view or buy the property would be very few. Viewers can often sense there is a presence, they can feel a cold creepy energy as soon as they walk through the door which can immediately put potential buyers off.
If someone had predicted years ago that I would be rescuing lost spirits and releasing them to the light, I would never have believed them. I was petrified of ghosts and even refused to watch horror movies as they gave me nightmares. Now however, I consider soul rescue a wonderful thing to do. It enables the spirits to cross over, and it takes away the fear and distress from the occupants of the haunted property.
Most spirits I have come across are completely harmless and do not cause any problems; you may not even be aware that they are there. Some spirits move around oblivious to you and others like to make themselves known. In most cases, these lost souls do not mean to be a nuisance, and they certainly do not mean to frighten or harm anyone. They can become frustrated if they want to be noticed but they get ignored, and in some extreme cases they can move or throw objects (in the Hollywood movies these spirits are given the name ‘Poltergeists’, this means ‘noisy spirits’ but in real life they are mostly harmless). You may catch a glimpse of something moving from the corner of your eye, but when you turn there is nothing there. You may hear footsteps, banging, knocking or you may see doors open by themselves. Maybe floorboards creak when nobody is home, lights may flicker or turn on and off, or you smell strange smells.
Whenever a new spirit arrives at our home (yes this happens often, I have been told that I attract them because they know I can help them cross over), it makes itself known by turning the radio volume up and down. Another favourite was to turn on the TV. I would frequently come home to the TV switched on and volume turned up full. Before I began working with spirits, I was petrified when this happened but now it does not bother me at all.
There are a number of ways your home can be occupied by spirits. You can unknowingly pick them up when you are out and about, at the park, the shops, the cemetery, on a train, anywhere really. They are often attracted by your energy and can follow you home and maybe hitch a lift from you in your car. They will then become your ‘unwanted house guest’. As there are so many wandering spirits at a cemetery, I always advise people to never go straight home afterwards, it is a good idea to go for a walk first, maybe go shopping in the hope of shaking them off.
You can inherit a spirit when you buy a property, possibly one of the previous occupants passed away so suddenly that they do not realise they are dead. They may have passed away five years ago or a thousand years ago, time has no meaning for them. When this situation occurs, they wander endlessly living what is to them a normal life, maybe oblivious to you living there too. Other situations which can cause a spirit to be trapped is if they are murdered, killed in a war or by a tragic accident. The trauma can cause confusion and they do not go towards the light when they should, missing their opportunity to pass over, and they become trapped.
If you have children, you may find they alert you to spirits as they are very open to seeing things, especially before reaching school age. They may communicate with them and tell you that “a little old lady is sitting on a chair reading them a story”, or maybe that imaginary friend they talk about may actually exist. Dogs are also excellent at sensing spirits way before we are aware they are there. Approximately 70% of my clients call me to ask for help because their dog’s behaviour has alerted them to a presence in their home.
I received a call recently asking me to remotely clear a spirit from a property which was four hours away from where I live. When I checked in, I found there were two spirits at the property. This property had a basement, and their dog stood at the top of the basement stairs and barked continuously which was driving his owners crazy. He refused to go down into the basement and went berserk when they did. I remotely cleared the two spirits, the barking stopped but the dog still refused to go down into the basement until two days later. Even though the dog settled and sensed the spirits had gone, it took a few days for the memory to fade and for him to be brave enough to go down there himself.
When a lost spirit has been released, it is important that you do a space clearing on the property; I have found that spirits will naturally give off detrimental energies. They need to be released for the good of all, including themselves. By doing a space clearing, you are giving your home an energy spring clean to rid of any lingering ‘detrimental energy forms’. If you need instructions on how to do this, please visit my website.
I hope you enjoyed reading this month’s article, I know a lot of people are spooked at the mention of ghosts, I was too many years ago. It was not my intention to frighten anyone but to let you know that most spirits do not want to hurt you, they just want help passing over.
If you feel that your house has a trapped spirit, you could research how to clear this yourself, there are lots of books available. I was too nervous to do this myself when I realised we had house guests and eventually found help from an expert after a lot of searching, as it was difficult for me to find someone who could clear spirits. It was only after I became a proficient dowser that I became interested and learned how to clear them myself. If you have a problem with your ‘unwanted house guests’ and need my help or advice, please don’t hesitate to contact me.