I have seen so many questions being posted in the social forums regarding money and searching for the means to make a living doing what you long to do. Many people are feeling the pull to follow their heart and passion and become creators and inspire and help others. But those same people are scared of following their passions due to not knowing if they will survive financially.
Some may even end up creating fabulous courses, and videos that are really enlightening and inspiring but don’t really put them out there in the public because of fear of rejection, ridicule, or financial failure.
The trouble is that most of these people are working from a “lack of” mentality and not an “abundance” mentality. They are also not living (and thus not creating) from the present. You see many are worried about providing an income with their work, or not being able to charge enough or get any clients This is projecting from fear into the future things that may or may not even happen. Some are also worried about what others will say or think about their new passion. This is living in the past and conjuring up old emotions and memories of being ridiculed, including self-doubt and how it felt as a child or younger person.
This is where most people’s hopes and dreams stop, because of fear of the unknown. Especially when it comes to making money by following your dreams.
This brings me to a story I once told to a group about 2 Hindu goddesses. Lakshmi and Saraswati. There are many versions of this story but this is the one that I find most applicable to peoples situations.
Lakshmi (aka Shri) is the goddess of wealth, power, fortune, but also beauty grace and charm. She also grants worldly prosperity and well-being.
While her sister Saraswati is known as the goddess of knowledge, devotion, speech, and study.
It is said that men lust after Lakshmi and chase her for her wealth and beauty in hopes she will find favor unto them. But you see, Lakshmi is very elusive and it’s hard to catch her favor. Therefore most all men fall short and never find the fame and fortunes that they seek by chasing her. However, if you set your sights upon her sister Saraswati and seek first knowledge, and your passion and take your sights off of Laksmi she will become so jealous that she will chase after you all your life and you will never have to worry about money, fame, or fortune.
The current world population is approaching 8 billion. That is 8 billion incarnated souls that each has a dharma (life goal) that is within them that is unique to them and that is vital to humanity at this time and at this place. You have this within you. The late Wayne Dyer said, “don’t die with your music still in you”.
You came here with a purpose and a message that only you can deliver to the world at this particular time. If you feel an inner pulling to now finally let it out and go for your dreams follow it and trust in the universe and in your higher self. Things will show up in your life (they are doing so now if you look hard enough) little synchronicities, courses, webinar, people, pages, calls, social posts and a host of other small “little helpers” that you can use to follow your dreams.
Which sister are you chasing after?