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Top 5 Ways to Keep Your Vibration High During Unsettling World Events

When the whole world is topsy-turvy, it doesn’t mean we have to be.  Consider these top 5 ways to uplift yourself into your highest vibration during unsettling world events.

Protect Your Thoughts With A Child-Like, Beginner’s Mind.

I was offered this mantra that my best friend repeats every morning:

“I intentionally and gratefully throw out any evidence from yesterday and from my past, and start today with a clean slate and a beginner’s mind in all things.”

I love this as a practice.  Having a child-like beginner’s mind allows me to shower rainbows and flowers and love upon my inner child, even if a moment before, I was experiencing trauma, fear, and pain.  My inner child has room to feel all her feelings, and then wipe her tears and become my playmate again.  Having a beginner’s mind means my days are prioritized to experience constant refreshment and renewal moment to moment.  It requires me to schedule playtime, nap-time, creative time, exploring time, cuddle time and bath-time.

In the midsts of any shattering world events going on, seeing each moment with a beginner’s mind strips my attention off of those big scary things out there, things that I truly can’t do anything about and worrying just won’t help. Instead, I welcome myself back home throughout intervals of my day.  It is here that I make room to embrace the darling little girl living inside of me.  It does no one any good for me to repeat stories of fear and turmoil to her.  Although this child’s tool can be viewed as sheltered and naive, I believe when I choose to love my inner child, I have my priorities straight.  Where the rest of the world is focused on a million reasons we should be frantic, my little Emily in her beginner’s mind every moment offers everyone in the world around her games, laughter, dancing, cuddles, and courage.

Choose NEUTRAL Words to Describe Chaos.

Whenever something unsettling is occurring around me, I am mindful of how I describe the event.  I want to choose vocabulary that offers the most neutralized tones.  I can’t afford to fall prey to any default words used in the mainstream culture.  The mainstream is not doing what I’m doing;  It is not paying attention to the vibrational affect it has on the Oneness of all creation.  Thus, defaulting to the commonly used words to describe an event is just not an option for me.  For example, I do not use words like pandemic, virus, covid, chaos, or even quarantine.  Although they accurately describe a worldwide circumstance, they hold different potencies of a fear-based vibration at their root.  Consider it a game to find the most neutral ways you can use to describe what is going on in the world.

My favorite neutral words are to say ‘the current world events’.  I will admit that neutral words are less satisfying to use because they are void of my human’s natural flair for drama!  Describing a world event as a chaotic, devastating catastrophe is much more tasty, like junk food.  But the consistent use of these words, however, has its long term effects.  As conscientious beings, we are experimenting with a new kind of life game now.  We are reaching our highest vibration.  By using the neutral words “current world events,” you are still communicating, and your listeners still know exactly what you are talking about,  with one essential difference.  There is absolutely no fear, or energetic charge attached to these words that could ripple you or anyone around you into a fear-based thought form.  That is priceless.

Fill Up Your Whole Day with The News.

And I mean THE news. Your life news.  Watching my life news means I have five credible sources that I tune into every day:

  1. My soul’s purpose news
  2. My body’s news
  3. My emotions’ news
  4. My angelic counsel’s news
  5. The galactic federation news

These news sources fill up my days and nights, and I just don’t make any room for anything else.  Nothing else that anyone could possible say to me is more relevant to me than this list.  The headlines not only keep me refreshed, but I have energy to be of service to others because these news sources are saturated with dense, nutrient-rich levels of the highest energetic frequencies.  When I’ve told people about this list, I see them get nervous.  They argue that if they don’t watch mainstream news, they will miss crucial updates about what is going on in the world. Yes, you most certainly will.  In fact, you will miss a lot.  You will be way out of the loop, not staying current with the times, susceptible to criticisms of being ignorant and irresponsible, and your loved ones can harshly judge you for your naivety.  But I must say…I am in utter amazement at how, without reading a single article or turning on one bit of news media ever, I still get informed about the most important information necessary for me to know.  Everything else gets weeded out.  I am left with hours and hours free to focus on keeping myself healthy, happy, and aligned with my soul’s purpose.  Ironically, as criticized as you ever get, you are giving yourself such an enriching environment that you end up being of the greatest service to those dear loved ones.  You are in peace, and thus you can offer them a state of peace.  You are more equipped to take on whatever may occur in the the world.

Surround Yourself with Those On the Same Vibrational Journey As You.

This one is easy, natural, and feels so good.  I know I don’t have to always be strong when the whole world is shaky.  Instead I can set myself up for success in advance by surrounding myself with others who can offer strength when I have none.  During our current world events, for example, I host monthly video calls for lightworkers and musicians.  On those calls, the participants are immersed in a soothing hot tub of love, music, meditations, and empowering encouragement.  Like me, the group is committed to implementing a childlike beginner’s mind, choosing high frequency vocabulary, and takes the time to be intentional with what energy we are creating that will affect the whole of the planet.  The results of these gatherings are evident.  One woman sent me a message the next day saying, “That was the highest vibe call I’ve been on.”  Experiencing that vibration is the whole goal of using this powerful tool.

Connect to the Big Galactical Picture of The World Event.

I have found that connecting to the big picture of the world event is consistently liberating.  It feels instantaneously easy to alleviate the chaotic situation when I remember to see it from the grand perspective.  What is happening on planet Earth is always going to be part of a humongous cosmic picture.  The more I can connect to the greater scope of the event, the more I liberate humanity from the current chaos, starting within myself.  Connecting to the big picture keeps my inner work in focus.

Any unsettling world event is a chance for me to choose my vibration.  It works like a spiral.  I start in my center with my own thoughts.  Those vibrations spiral outward into the “neutral” words I choose to come out of my mouth.  Those words widen the spiral and attract like-minded people who resonate with me.  The spiral can then lead to my conscious actions which expand its affects as big as the Universe, and beyond. The high vibration I chose to ride then spins back to me, uplifts my energetic vibration to a higher plane, and the cycle begins again.  Amongst even the greatest chaos, I have chosen to refresh, rejuvenate, and thrive as my highest vibrational self.


