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Top 15 Mind, Body, and Soul Quotes of All Time

Expand your mind. Nurture your heart. Develop your body. Cultivate your soul. ~Matshona Dhliwayo


1.    The mind is its thoughts, the heart is its desires, and the soul is its experiences.

2.    The mind is the key; the heart is the door; the soul is corridor; the universe is the destination.

3.    You are a product of your thoughts. Your thoughts are products of your desires. You desires are products of your soul.

4.    Your mind is an entire world, your heart is an entire cosmos, and your soul is an entire universe.

5.    The mind speaks, though it does not have lips. The heart moves, though it does not have feet. The soul rises, though it does not have wings.

6.    Your mind is a reservoir of potential; your heart an ocean of strength; your soul a well of talents; and your body a vessel of power.

7.    To strengthen the body’s muscles, exercise; the mind’s muscles, read; the heart’s muscle’s, laugh; and the soul’s muscles, love.

8.    Your mind is your world. Your heart is your nature. Your soul is your universe. Your life is your creation.

9.    The body is an outstanding source of strength; the mind an incredible source of intelligence; the heart an uncommon source of might; and the soul a remarkable source of power.

10.   You may have a small body, but great strength. You may have an ordinary mind, but great wisdom. You may have a wounded heart, but great courage. You may have a weary soul, but great love.

11.   The mind shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s wisdom; the heart, in proportion to one’s courage; and the soul, in proportion to one’s love.

12.   Your mind is a weapon. Your heart is an asset. Your soul is a treasure. Your life is a jewel.

13.   The world rewards you for what is in your mind, the universe rewards you for what is in your heart, and the Heavens reward you for what is in your soul.

14.   Utilizing all of your mind is a step towards brilliance. Utilizing all of your heart is a step towards excellence. Utilizing all of your soul is a step towards nobleness. Utilizing all of your mind, heart, and soul is a step towards greatness.

15.   Harness your mind’s power and you can reach the mountaintop. Harness your heart’s power and you can reach the stars. Harness your soul’s power and you can reach the edge of the universe.

The most beautiful eyes haven’t been seen yet;

the most beautiful tongue hasn’t been heard yet;

the most beautiful hands haven’t been held yet;

the most beautiful mind hasn’t been understood yet;

the most beautiful heart hasn’t been felt yet;

and the most beautiful life hasn’t been lived yet. ~Matshona Dhliwayo


