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Time Out Guilt

If you have read my articles before then you know I say Retreat Change Lives – they just do but as a mom who works from home I suffer from guilt when I go away to run a Retreat…why is that?What is it for women, more so than men (sorry guys but that is how it seems) that makes us feel guilty when we step away from the home, why can’t we take the time that we need to do the things that fill us up. I ran a workshop a little while ago called Dress the Goddess within – a place for women to learn about their bodies, colour, and self-image one of the most prominent evaluations said

What is it for women, more so than men (sorry guys but that is how it seems) that makes us feel guilty when we step away from the home, why can’t we take the time that we need to do the things that fill us up. I ran a workshop a little while ago called Dress the Goddess within – a place for women to learn about their bodies, colour, and self-image one of the most prominent evaluations said Í spent the whole day thinking this would be good for my daughter and other women in my life, you need to remind us that we are here for ourselves’.

I know that sometimes it’s easy to get to so wrapped up in everything in your day to day life – work, family, kids, friends, socializing, sports and basically just everyday tasks that we simply forget about ourselves and our own needs. One thing that really hit home for me yesterday was how women are tired. So much pressure for us to be everything to everyone. The reality is there is only so long this can be kept up and one of the replies was from a good friend of mine who has finally made the decision to come on a weekend retreat with me.she wrote

She wrote, “I used to think the pressures I put myself under were self-imposed until I fell in a heap & then sadly I realised no it’s not completely that way others do have massive expectations of us women when I fell down sadly I copped a lot of judgement & nastiness from people around me just glad I have a few great compassionate people in my life that do understand.” This is exactly why I am such a passionate advocate for everyone to take the time to reconnect and take a breath from commitments and responsibilities that surround them.

I know that taking time for yourself can sometimes seem like a selfish act, but if we think about it, it really is so important to make time for your mind and body and to just relax. I know that not everyone can go on a retreat but taking time doesn’t have to take a long time or a huge part of your day.  It can simply be finding that one thing that you love – taking a walk, a nice bath, time in the garden, going for a massage, or even just taking the time to sit on the couch and watch a movie.

Doing something you love will naturally make you feel happier and more relaxed, which will then give us a more positive outlook on life and make us more able to thrive in our homes, communities and working lives.  If you are finding that you are able to fit in a little ‘me time’ in your daily life, but are still feeling a little run down or overwhelmed, then maybe it’s time to think about getting away from it all. It is ok to want to plan in a retreat every year or two years. One retreat facilitator that I know says she feels no guilt taking two weeks every six months just for her – she goes to Bali, usually alone, and spends time rejuvenating on a personal retreat – she knows that her family benefits from this as she is more focused and connected when she returns to them.

Everyone needs a proper break from it all now and then. 

Taking a holiday or going on a retreat is really the best way to take yourself away from the normal daily activities and distractions which are weighing your down.  It not only makes you feel good to get away, but there are so many other benefits to your health.

It gives us time to…

  • Decompress – to release our stress and worries
  • Recharge our batteries
  • Improve relationships
  • Increase productivity
  • Increase clarity and vision
  • Increase your happiness


So, if you’re getting that feeling that it is all getting too much and overwhelming, maybe it is time to consider whether you need a break.  Perfect time for a retreat, a weekend away with friends or even a day out doing things just for you.


