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This is Our Crowning Moment…

Where we as a collective are birthed into a new age…a new way of being…a new earth…

In the days to come, time will have different markers… everything will be remembered as Before Coronavirus (BC) or After Death (AD) of a way of being…

Corona means crown…the crown chakra is our direct connection to Source. The Coronavirus has come as pure Source energy in disguise. And though it is in the form of an infinitesimal entity called a virus, it’s power is hugely immense! This tiny germ is toppling kingdoms, falling like dominos.

This corona is our collective FEAR, and it is powerful. What we don’t realize is that it has arisen, not to destroy us…but to awaken us!

If we run from our fear, we strengthen it. The only way to deal with fear is to face it with LOVE… because that’s exactly why it’s shown up!… It is asking to be healed…to be loved and accepted exactly as it is… that’s all any of us really want.

This is a historic moment in human history. We are on the precipice of a mighty shift. We get to choose how we shift and what we create… we can either create it unconsciously being ruled by fear… Or we can consciously create a new earth that comes from the LOVE that we are.

Now is the time to wake up. Now is the time to show up. Now is the time to heal by loving our fear.

This is our crowning moment…


