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Things We Learn in a Pandemic

We had no idea at the beginning of 2020 that we would experience a pandemic. We had no idea we would experience something like this in our lifetime. 

So, what is this thing and how has it affected us?

The thing is Covid 19 or coronavirus and it is a global virus that is affecting the world as we know it. It has shut down everything we know and feel. 

As the world became close, we began to feel like we were in the apocalypse, especially those who didn’t live in the time of the Spanish flu, the Great Depression, or any of the world wars. 

It’s a feeling I have no words to describe, except anxiety. 

I have never felt so anxious in my life when having a connection. It affected me so badly that I felt like I was going to lose my life just going to the grocery store. I was literally having a panic attack at the thought of going to any crowded places. And knowing people who died from this terrible virus did not help to quell the sensations that I felt when going out in public, never mind going to work. I work in healthcare, so I never got the reprieve to work from home that others I know had. I am grateful to have a job, but at the same time, I’m terrified of going to work. Does that make sense? Probably not to those who have not been affected in this way. 

I did however learn how to do my nails, which is something I didn’t think I was good at. It shows me that we can learn anything we decide to learn. I decided that I like my nails to be pretty and I couldn’t go to the nail shop and now as they open, I CHOOSE not to go to the shops. 

I took some time to feel into my feelings which is something we are not generally doing in society. 

We choose not to be conscious and feel the feelings we have. We are often so busy that we don’t even breathe or dream.

This time has brought us all back to awareness and love. We see the value in connection when it was taken away. I feel is something we as a people were not saying. I feel was reserved for the psychic (spiritual) community. 

We have been brought to our knees in prayer and supplication which is where we need to be. The connection with our spiritual team is so necessary and we are realizing the grave need.

Because connection with others has been so limited and the fear that we all experienced when we look at all the mass casualties that have occurred. 

In conclusion, let’s make sure we connect to not only our spiritual team but to humans at this time. We have been so challenged with this pandemic, however, the takeaway is to continue to foster a connection with our spiritual team and other humans. I am guided to tell you to share love on the planet. 

