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There Is Just No “Give up”

‘When we know what we want, there can’t be a ‘give up’ option’.  It’s not that we’re being stubborn, it’s just that it doesn’t feel like the right thing to do.

I could have given up after the 100th Audition that I didn’t get because quite simply, I was terrible. The casting director didn’t tell me I was awful, it was just quite clear that I was.

You know right? How did that first FB Live go, that first time you rode a horse, played football or kissed someone for the first time…exactly.

I could have given up at audition number 300 because, there were other people, better than me. What was the point, how was I ever going to be as good as them and who was I to be on TV. I was just that kid with knobbly knees who grew up in a school of 8, whose dad was the teacher and who’s acting agent nicknamed ‘The Bridesmaid’ for always coming second.

Shit, I could have given up Presenting when I made my co-presenter cry live on air, because, I was terrible. Thinking this was my BIG break I thought that every single thing I said needed to be incredibly funny or world changing. How’s that for setting yourself up to fail?

Could probably have given up when, on my first TV Drama, they took my dialogue off me and gave it to someone else because I sucked. Probably same could apply to my first time using an American accent in a TV Series playing alongside Ryan Gosling…and to be fair, I still suck at this and I don’t give a shit.

But I couldn’t. I just can’t. I don’t know why I just would not and could not GIVE UP.

I feel something pulling at me, and it asks that I stay out of my own way. Because there is no one else on this earth who is going to do what I do in this lifetime.

There is no other person who sees communication like I do, who seeks to change the way people approach Presenting so it becomes a tool we can all use to connect, at a level well below the surface and allows us all to feel significant.

I’ve gone through my right of passage. I’ve sucked. I’ve been OK and I’ve made a living from being a TV Presenter and Speaker. But, I’m not finished.

So, I just can’t give up.


