Some of us underestimate the power of electromagnetic frequency energy and as a dowsing consultant, I come across new energy issues in the homes and businesses that I dowse all the time. This is why I love my work so much.
I had a call from a client whose home I had dowsed six months previously, she told me that she could feel that her house energy had dropped significantly. She said that her husband, two teenage boys and herself had all felt unwell for the last few months. They were struggling to sleep and had no energy. Everything had been going wrong in their lives, their house extension was bringing problem after problem and she was at breaking point with it all.
I remotely checked in with her house and the number of spirals of negative energy (negative vortexes) was in double figures and the energy was one of the lowest negative energy rates I had seen in a long while.
Knowing my client was having building work on her house, I asked her if she had had any work done to her electricity fuse box and she said yes. She told me the workmen had fitted two smart meters, one for her gas and one for her electricity. She also had her fuse box moved to her utility room a couple of months previous.
As soon as I heard this I knew this was likely to be the cause of her problems. We decided it would be best for me to go to the property to investigate further.
I was correct with my remote dowsing readings, but rather than working on closing all the negative vortexes, I decided to do some work on the smart meters.
After working on the electricity smart meter, the negative vortexes went down from 20 to 11. I then did some work on the gas smart meter and the negative vortexes reduced from 11 to 2. Finally, I worked on the new fuse box, this cleared all of the negative vortexes completely.
I was relieved because the dowsing I had done six months previous was still in place, there was no geopathic stress, interference lines, etc, it was the smart meters that were causing the issue and creating the negative energy vortexes.
If you have smart meters and are concerned that they may be causing you a problem, please get in touch by email I would be happy to give you advice or help you.
If you haven’t got a smart meter and your energy supplier offers to fit one for you, I advise you to think very carefully and please do your research before agreeing, because it isn’t compulsory to have one fitted. With the knowledge I have, I would not have one fitted in my home.