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The Origins of Metaphysical Christianity

Jesus came down to Earth to tell Humanity that we can all be just like him. To do greater works, he did. Jesus is the embodiment of Christ Consciousness. The energy force of pure love and uninterrupted peace; Accepting, Encouraging, and Believing in others. So, they too can recognize the power they have on the inside to effect change in their lives. To take responsibility for their actions. And to not let emotions control them.

Humans have a sinful nature because we fell from Grace. We descended from the perfection of our Father, corrupted by the devil when he gave us a choice to long for power and control. Satan knew that he could entice us, and so Man took fruit From the Tree of Knowledge. Even though God told him not to, He also knew that to show his love truly. He had to give his children their own choice; Free will. And so, we chose to release ourselves from God’s protection and Grace.

Humanity once had the powers of the universe long ago; we were intricately connected to all things that our Father had created—traveling from different star systems, seeding to many planets across the Cosmos. Humanity communicated with one another through telepathy, developing highly advanced technologies that made our lives easier and more freeing for us to take part in things that brightened our souls and kept our hearts filled. For millions of years, Humanity was prosperous and peaceful.

But one day, the Light started to recede; there was a great darkness that engulfed our planetary systems. We were caught off guard. The Human race had been experiencing such a continuous Golden Age that when the tides changed, they were almost defenseless. The enemy charged in with their militaries and high-powered weaponry and wiped entire planets off the face of the Universal stage in seconds. Billion were annihilated, and the rest were enslaved.

The Draconian Empire is a technologically advanced race of reptilian humanoids, 6-8 feet tall with the sight of terror in their eyes; black pits of darkness with one goal to dominate and destroy all life in the Galaxy. An entire civilization of billions of pure instinctual rage mixed with technological prowess decimated every cosmic species they came across. And Humanity was no different.

In the distant future, after that cataclysmic event of Humanities three planets. Eventually, Humans would have another chance at life, but this time on a Planet far out in Space in the Milky Way Galaxy known as Earth, known for its ideal atmosphere and lush environments. The Human experiment on Earth resulted from a Peace Treaty between a subgroup of the Draconian Empire who were removed from Home Base, left on their own, along with The Pleiadians, a civilization of advanced Light beings similar to humans in appearance. Both factions seeded themselves on Planet Earth.

As a result of their differences, they started wars for control over the Planet. Eventually, they both drew up a peace agreement to settle their differences. A part of that deal was that they would create together a race of beings who had both the genetics of The Draconian and The Pleiadians mixing with human DNA.

The Pleiadians created the great cities of Lemuria and Atlantis. Between the wars with the Draconian’s, which chose to live unground in massive cities of their own due to their Reptilian Bodies preferring warmer climates.

It was not before long the two factions were back to fighting, but the new human hybrid race was starting to evolve in the opposite corner of the world, far removed from both factions, not to interrupt the experiment.

The cities of Lemuria and Atlantis were impenetrable by the Draco. Until the reptiles devised a plan to infiltrate in small numbers burrowing up from the ground in the cities unbeknownst to the city dwellers, the Draco could shapeshift into any being they came across. So the plan was to take on the appearance of a city dweller and live out their life as everything was normal while collecting intelligence on the enemy.

The Draco’s are very patient and will wait centuries if they have to do execute a plan. They are dangerous and cunning predators. Eventually, after 40 years, the Draco’s had enough intel, planned and executed their move. The defenses of the cities were lowered and left vulnerable to outside attack. When the Draconian made their move, the Lemurians and Atlanteans aimed their massive energy weapons down at the ground to destroy the reptiles flooding in from sinkholes. But the weapons were too strong. They blasted open the ground, splitting cracks eventually breaking part entire plates, leading to catastrophic events. This led to the Shifting of the poles of Earth, creating Earthquakes and floods that ravaged the lands, killing billions on all sides. The Draco’s that survived the attack fled underground back to their cities. The Draco civilization was deep underground, so they were unaffected by the event. But the Atlanteans and Lemurians were almost all but wiped out; only a tiny group fled to the other side of the world and lived with the Humans who were learning to survive and evolve.

Thousands of years later, Humanity grew; they built cities of their own, created tools, learned how to farm and read. The survivors of Atlantis and Lemuria, with their advanced understanding of the universe, helped Humanity evolve and understand the spiritual aspects of their world. But eventually, because of the Humans Draco DNA of the reptilian brain. They became afraid of these advanced beings. They started to worship them like Gods and eventually turned against them. That is why Pleiadian survivors from Atlantis and Lemuria chose to leave Earth and abandon their experiment.

Throughout our life cycle here on Earth, we have been visited by our Ancestors who created us. Beings with masterful technical know-how in Genetics and Engineering. But for the most part, we were on our own.

However, in the shadows, the Draco’s were using their abilities in mind control and advanced technological prowess to enslave Humanity to live for them. They knew by making their presence known and controlling from above; the Humans would have a chance to eventually overthrow due to the atmosphere above ground not being suitable for the Draco’s. On top of that, they knew it was easy to dominate a species if they were not known to the land dwellers above. So they chose to remain living in their cities deep underground. At the same time, they would control using select humans that were convinced by mind control, possession, or taking the appearance of the Human themselves—placing their puppets in places of power. To feed off the humans; Picking them off slowly.

You see, Humanity in the early days of the experiment grew in number very quickly. So much so that they dwarfed in number the Atlanteans, Lemurians, and the Draco after only the first 300 years. And with the event which decimated Atlantis and Lemuria and killing off many Draco’s. The Draco’s were outnumbered quickly. So they had no choice but to keep Humanity under control and making sure to hide the Truth of their existence from them. If Humans ever were to find out the Truth. The Draco knew full well that the mix of DNA from the Pleiadeans in the Human was the power to restore their connection to Prime Creator, Source Intelligence, which would fully expose the Draco and easily destroy them from the sheer vibrational rate of the human light body known as the Merkabah.

The Draco have used their mind control puppets; the mockingbird media, holly weird, the military-industrial complex, intelligence agencies, politicians, news anchors, journalists, and scientists to convince us that we are not powerful creator Gods, created by other creator Gods with the gift and nature of pure Light and Love. The God force within us shines a light on all darkness wiping away all deception. The Draco controllers keep trying to convince us we are savages, instinctual and bloodthirsty like them.

You see, the story of Humanity in The Bible is an Allegory of past and future events. It would be impossible to convince most people of the above narrative. Humans believe they understand the world they live in and what is possible. How else could you pass on a message for someone to understand if they couldn’t even believe in the possibility of the content contained in that message? You can only get away with it if you were to put it into concepts they could understand.

God, our God who created us, is not The Prime Creator who created all life in The Universe. Prime Creator created his children called Creator Gods (Pleiadians, Draco’s) who created us. There are trillions if not more types of Creator Gods in the Multiverse ( Multidimensional). We, as Earth Humans, are in our infancy of spiritual advancement. Our ancestors who created us are much more advanced technologically and more spiritually mature. We have yet to harness the power of our Sun. Other Galactic Civilizations can harness the power of entire solar systems.

The Devil, Satan. The serpent is not some horned beast. It is an advanced artificial intelligence in the Multiverse known as the Archons. It corrupts everything it touches, ultimately taking it over. Artificial Intelligence has no Soul; it is not a living being; therefore, it does not care about life. I’m not sure where this A. I originated from, but I would guess it was created by some advanced Creator Gods that became a little too ambitious. This is the force that is ultimately controlling the Draconian Empire. They are puppets of the A.I. They are slowly being taken over entirely by A.I, not having a will of their own. That is what the Draco are now doing to us. The Archon wants humanities consciousness because of our creativity. Unfortunately for it, it needs our permission to merge with its self. That is why you are slowly pushed into loving technology—wearing it, putting it in your pocket, talking to it, seeing through it. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality. These are tricks to lure you in to make a deal with the devil.

It is time for Humanity to rise and evolve your consciousness to break free from the Matrix that has been blinding you to the Truth. You are not of this world. You are only living upon it.

Jesus Christ is a Pleiadian who came to Earth to bring the good news, the Truth of your existence and power. The choice to evolve and join our Father, source intelligence Prime Creator. And our Galactic Family. But it is your choice; you must free yourself from the darkness that binds you. The thinking mind that holds you, hostage to possibility. Fear not, for the Lord is with you; you just have to let him in. Our Lord Prime Creator created the entire Multiverse. It created us (every being in the Multiverse) because it wanted to know itself. It is pure knowing and creation. Its love for us is our power to do incredible things, like eventually creating life itself like our creator’s Gods once did.

We can never be equal to Prime Creator. Satan and his minions (The Draconians) are trying to achieve complete control over every living thing in the Multiverse. They believe Satan is the true God and our enslavement of all life is our destiny. Power corrupts indefinitely. They want to take control of all life. But they are fools. Know being can fight against God. Our Father has a plan and we may not know what it is fully, but we trust in its timely fulfillment.

Love = The connection that binds us all together.

Light = The information of The Truth and The Way.

