Summer is well underway and given everything that’s happening in the world today, this is an excellent time to focus on new beginnings. If we’ll take the time to step back and analyze where we are in life, this month will anchor and build new support for us. But we’ll need to stay open to change. This month will likely continue to be filled with high emotion as we move forward, but it will be easier to reset our direction and set realistic goals.
Reconnect with your strengths and forgive the weaknesses of your past. Although at times we may feel like we’re broken and don’t stand a chance, we’re more together than we think. We should give ourselves credit for how far we’ve gotten in life and all the steps we have taken to get to where we are. Give yourself credit for just being alive and surviving your past. Then, instead of putting any more energy into being fearful, put it into being appreciative and positively focused.
If you’re feeling angry and resentful, beware of any tendencies you have to blame others and play the part of the victim. We need to keep our vibrations high this month and stay focused on resetting our intentions to improve our life experience.
Try this ‘Change My Attitude’ mantra:
The world is a safe place for me because I have the power to choose my experiences. Every experience I choose is perfect for my personal growth.
To raise your vibration, focus on beauty, inspiration, compassion, and forgiveness. All are possible this month. But we need to push beyond our comfort zone and remove any restrictions we placed on ourselves in the past. This month could feel intense at times, but as long as we hold to our intentions we will get through it. Keep moving forward by not getting hung up on your emotions, and instead express gratitude for the experience of life.