My understanding of the human body is that it’s a reflection of the mind’s state of consciousness. For so many years I’ve worked with a number of healers and so many times I’ve felt absolutely wonderful after my sessions because they would move the energy in my body, open me up and I’d expand into this new amazing place of freedom. What I noticed in the days following my healing, is that if my consciousness wasn’t addressed. My body would always return back to a state of existence equal to that of my mind’s awakened state.
What I came to understand throughout this process is that the body doesn’t need to be healed. It’s simply responding to the state of consciousness which exists within the human mind. The body is a guide to raise or expand our consciousness to a state of knowing. This is accomplished by asking the body questions and reverse-engineering the thought patterns that created it. The process of reverse-engineering the human body to understand illness isn’t its only purpose. It’s also a tool to understand energy potential and its existence as an eternal state of perpetual motion.
What I discovered is the process of habituation builds a bridge from a reactive state, to a state of perpetual motion. In other words, it’s not simply kicking the soccer ball that moves it forward. Its momentum is the result of a thought which creates energy potential. Energy potential becomes a vibration and that vibration creates the physical existence recognized not by the human eye, but by the state of consciousness in which the human mind is awakened. The human eye is capable of interpreting an experience on a far greater scale than traditional science understands. History proves what I’m saying to be true by the lack of color blindness found in children today, along with the phenomenon of the invisible ships ignored by natives on land as they approached. It wasn’t until the thought or expression of a new color or the existence of a ship either shown or explained, could it then be seen by the human eye via the expanded consciousness of the human mind.
Awakening is movement from an existence of dissipative energy to an existence of perpetual motion. Having self-awareness of my infinite potential allows me to recognize my body’s own unique intelligence and how it cannot be manipulated in any way to raise my consciousness. Healing the human body is the result of unlearning and releasing the limitations imprinted within the human mind that cause limitations within the human body. Limitation of the mind results in restrictive energy flow within the body that causes a resistance to the maximum potential of perpetual motion. The resistance is no different than a resistor in an electrical circuit, when energy flow is restricted it causes heat and that heat causes damage. Depending on the pattern created via vibrational resistance, that vibrational manifestation is what creates the experience of illness or disease. Its manifestation is just a louder way of the body saying I’m speaking to you.
I’m not a religious man but when I see the meaning of Jesus blessing bread or giving thanks to his body and saying, take, eat; this is my body. What he meant was my body just as yours offers us daily guidance, listen to it, and be fulfilled or awakened. The interpretation of any given experience is perceived limited until the human mind returns to a state of perpetual motion. Only then is the dissipative process of energy no longer recognized by the human mind. Functionally speaking, by diminishing a response or reaction to an inconsequential stimulus, habituation frees up cognitive resources that store an infinite potential of energy or resourcefulness within our DNA. What we achieve is the simplest form of learning by way of self-realization or remembering and gives us access to a state of knowing. So what does all this mean? And no worries you don’t have to learn it because you already know it all. It’s a matter of accessing the knowledge through the bread of the body.
Fortunately for me, I experienced advanced aging at an accelerated rate and I was able to recognize that shifting my consciousness could literally reverse the illnesses within my body and the aging process that I was experiencing. The result of doing so made me much healthier and much younger. When I was very ill, none of my doctors could understand what was happening to me and I certainly didn’t look through medical books to find an understanding of why my body was doing what it was doing. Instead, I looked to the stars and I found that planet formation was no different than the formation of my mitochondrial DNA. Reverse engineering my human body looked no different than reverse-engineering the formation of planets. So I applied the science of core formation processes to my mitochondrial DNA and I rewrote the script. I accessed my natural infinite potential by creating a bridge to the source of eternal consciousness within my body. I’m sharing my experience to show others that the staircase of expanded consciousness is being replaced with an elevator of truth. That going directly to the source with the bread of the body and acting upon the inspiration and action potential available within us is the equivalent of getting in the elevator.
My own experience of healing through the body via body grid activation, energy upgrades, or replacing the body’s operating system can sometimes cause regression of consciousness due to the human mind’s limited ability to comprehend its new environment. The natural projection of the source through its new human body or template can be a shocking experience to the human nervous system because of the human mind’s still unconscious state of programming. Nevertheless working in an organic and natural state of creation allows an expanded consciousness to complete the body templates and bring a new upgraded expression of the source to life that allows for unfolding growth with no regression of consciousness at all. The Awakening of humanity is now building momentum in a healthy progressive state and I’m excited to be here at this time with all of you. To enjoy the experience of eternal consciousness coming into existence for all.