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Monthly Rhythm: The Magician

This month, practice loving yourself and others. Wherever there is love, positive change emerges. The compassion that comes from accepting self-love and a genuine love for others brings about gratitude toward the world. And with this gratitude, healing takes place as if by the wave of a magic wand.

Venture into this month asking questions that heal those wounds from the past and allow you to move forward. What are my fears? What makes me happy? What parts of my story have I already overcome? What am I willing to let go of? Have my dreams changed? It’s about staying neutral when we seek answers to these questions. This month could be confusing. You may feel that you need clarity. Dig deep and be interactive with the story you’re living and the relationship you have with yourself. Follow your inner guidance to find your authentic self.

Take this month as an opportunity to clear up past Karma, to release the old, and get on with life. Get with the program. Success is at your fingertips. The more you resist letting go of the past, the more difficult it is to overcome it.

Make it a habit to connect to your intuition. Trusting in something we cannot see by following our hearts instead of our egos connects us to the power of an inner light we are all born with. This awareness takes place at the center of our being and manifests in ways beyond just the physical. It really is like magic.

The energy of this month requires us to be disciplined and patient. We have the power to instigate change by accepting love, compassion, and gratitude, and by being authentic. This is about keeping your vibration high. Be productive this month. You are the magician, and as if by the waving of your magic wand, positive changes will occur.

The love we give freely, we receive in return. Let go of the things that no longer serve you and soon you will be embracing a new version of yourself.

