I absolutely love these beautiful Fu Dogs which I saw when I visited Hong Kong (they can also be called Foo Dogs or Guardian Lions). These Fu Dogs were placed either side of the entrance to the Big Wheel attraction by the river. If I had a suitcase large enough, I think I may have brought them home with me 😉
While I was in Hong Kong, I saw many shops, restaurants, businesses and some homes with smaller pairs of Fu Dogs also placed either side of their entrance.
How should you display your Fu Dogs?
Fu Dogs should always be displayed in pairs. Most Fu Dogs are sold in pairs, one male and one female; this represents the Yin and Yang. They should always be placed so they are looking out of the property and can be placed inside the door or outside the property. Traditionally as you look out of the property the male fu dog should be placed on the left of the entrance and the female Fu Dog on the right of the entrance.
How can you tell the difference between male and female Fu Dogs?
The male Fu Dog has his right paw raised on a ball and protects the outside of the building and the female Fu Dog has her left paw raised on a pup, she protects everything inside the building, including the residents.
Why place Fu Dogs at your entrance?
Fu Dogs are placed at your entrance to protect the building from negative energy, malicious intentions and envious people who set out to bad mouth the occupiers. They look great outside the building, because they make the entrance look more attractive, and it gives out the intention of protection. An entrance that looks welcoming and attractive is great feng shui.
I purchased my own Fu Dogs while I was in Hong Kong, but mine are much smaller compared to those in the image above. Fu Dogs which are that big would have totally overpowered my home, besides the fact there wouldn’t be any room for them.
What size Fu Dogs should you buy?
The secret with feng shui is for everything to be in proportion and fit in well with the environment. When purchasing Fu Dogs please ensure you balance the size of the Fu Dogs with the size of the door/entrance and the size of your property. I would have loved to have larger Fu Dogs at my entrance, but unfortunately, I don’t have the room. If I had larger ones at my door, they would have looked out of place and restricted the space to enter. You must never place anything that could block the energy from entering your property.
When I visited The Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, I saw more magnificent Fu Dogs. Like the Fu Dogs in Hong Kong, these were also huge but fabulous. These placed at the hotel entrance is fantastic feng shui, they protect the hotel and also add the WOW factor.
How long should you have your Fu Dogs at your entrance?
You can have your Fu Dogs placed at your entrance all year round, but they are especially helpful when the Violence Red 7 Star, the Yellow 5 Disaster Star or the 3 Killings visit that sector.