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The Effects of Wrong Relationships on Your Spiritual Growth

Relationships can be the only thing at times keeping us together. We seek them out for that very reason. Becoming intimate and almost inseparable early on in our lives. This craving for connection is a beautiful thing. We are social creatures; it’s embedded in our DNA to want to connect and bond with one another. But is there a line to be drawn with boundaries and hard choices to be made?

Let’s look more into this. What is the most important action we should be taking in our lives? That would be to grow, to change from the person you were the day before. This can be a simple process, after all, it’s what we’re designed for. Everything in nature evolves.

Distractions prevent us from looking within ourselves. They give us much needed breaks at times, which of course can be great – I’m not saying by any means that distractions are all around not good for us. We need balance.

Something that diverts our attention of course will stop ourselves from focusing on what we were trying to do. These distractions can come from anything: browsing through social media/receiving notifications or messages, to phone calls or loud noises. It doesn’t take much for us to rear off track.

This type of behavior is exasperated when we share most of our days with another person, this can be your girlfriend or even a husband. When we’re with another person most of the time, committed to that person. We take on responsibilities and commitments, but most of us never consider if what we’re taking on for others is actually healthy for ourselves.

It can be so easy to get caught up in all the attention you get from a loved one, “finally, someone who wants to be around me”. You end up with someone else expecting them to love you, even before you love yourself.

This is where we can get into co-dependent relationships rather easily. If we know that along our life path, we start off with a feeling of lack based around fear, in these states we experience mostly: Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief, Desire and Anger. We still have yet to heal our own inner wounds: Our trauma/drama, calamities, the wrongs we think others have done to us & the pressures we put our selves [living in the past continuously kicking ourselves on what we should have done]

With this mentality, going after a relationship will always end in misery on both sides, because you only attract what you put out in the universe. 

Changing is never easy, it can be a very unforgiving process, that will take you along kicking and screaming. It’s much easier for us to convince ourselves that we’re fine where we are. After all it’s just to difficult and time consuming for us to break up with our supposed loved ones, even if you both have lost the spark long ago. It’s not worth being alone again or going through all that trouble to find someone else. Your minds will always come up with justification on why we need to stay where we are, its very good at coming up with excuses.

Relationship with your loved one, who you cherish & respect deeply, along with them doing the same for you. Is the truest expression of creation in the universe. It is the combination of both energies that makeup all that is, with love bringing them together unifying them as one. But only when two souls have evolved spiritually living from a place of unconditional love. Love & Fear cannot co- exist. 

