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The Advantage of Using Your Heart Brain

What is the advantage of using your Heart Brain when presenting?

Think of it simply like this… 

Heart Brain is the pathway, some will say it’s what we’re truly looking for, yet can’t be accessed with the conscious mind, while others will say it’s a conduit to your infinite wisdom.

I prefer the second as it feels more fitting and rather more dramatic.

I’m a Presenter… I’m dramatic at heart!

Brain, however, is your current stored knowledge, what you’ve learned, stored, and regurgitate when needed.  When used in tandem they’re a powerful balance for any Presenter.

Our current knowledge is finite.

So, whenever we rely solely on the brain when we present, we’re going to get certainty.  The words will sound and feel as though they’ve come from the brain and unless a Presenter is well trained in using their voice, the words often feel flat.  

The Heart Brain is choosing uncertainty and trusting we’ll find magic within that.

When we learn to balance them both well, we get a nicely-thought-out Presentation with moments of magic where a point is discovered and explored with the energy you just can’t fake.  These moments match the frequency of your Greatness.


