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The ABC’s of Your 123’s: D is for Day

Using your day of birth to say yes to who you are!

The day of the month and the day you were born on are both significant and important.

Numbers =Energy in the form of information. Numerology decodes this to give us meaningful support. Each number (day) has energy, this energy gives us information.

Resisting this energy and especially the energy of who we are is where many problems start. It is akin to being mad at a rainy day instead of appreciating the water cycle and the fact that we can enjoy the rainy day. I use them to read, snuggle and eat grilled cheese and soup! Similarly, if we are frustrated with a trait, like stubbornness, we miss out on the opportunity to channel that personality trait to accomplish a goal.

How do we tap into the energy of the day?   

First, let’s look at using this method in a fun way to tap into the energy. This is a great way to achieve your goals. Example: The other day an author friend of mine spent the entire day in the kitchen baking. The very same day, I too had been inspired to spend the day in the kitchen. When I did the math, the day had the energy of the 6, which is domestic and beauty. The next time you want to love on your home or create delicious food to honor your body, check your calendar for a day that adds to the number 6.


Add the Universal Year (add all digits of the year)  + Month + Day= Energy of that day

For more on the energy of each day go to:

The Day of the Month You Were Born On

As you can see knowing the energy of the day is helpful. Now for the second application; the day of the month you were born on. This number is your personality. It describes your disposition, temperament, nature, and your character.  This fun short cut will illuminate a few facts about you.

How does it help to know our personality?

I prefer to look at the positive aspects of each person through numerology (attributes link). I believe when we practice our truth and say ‘yes’ to these truths, we create joy. On the other side of it; humanity, as a whole, does too much criticizing. I am very guilty of judging myself too often.  It’s very defeating to think of things we are not doing right.

Let’s look at the number 3 (myself) as an example. This is a very creative energy that can be scattered and sarcastic. As a personality trait, the 3 may have trouble expressing themselves due to the lack of confidence. Instead of thinking; “you’re unfocused, have a bad attitude and verbally offend people.”   You could think: “You express yourself beautifully when you become proficient at something you love.”

The numbers in this quick guide are the energy of  1-9. Add the day you were born on to a single digit to discover one of your personality traits.

1 Self-starter

2 Sensitive

3 Social

4 Thoughtful

5 Expansion

6 Intuitive

7 Inquisitive

8 Go-Getter

9 Inspire

Happen to be born on the 4th (13th, 22nd or 31st)? Here are more of your personality traits:

For more on the day you were born, go to

The day you were born on is important.

You are important.

Blend the day of the month with the day you were born Numerology to give you more moments of #sayyestowhoyouare. You will create more joy! In addition, this magic formula can help you create a fitness program…yep. This came together for me as a book so check out “Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness” if this resonates with you.

Love and Light,

