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The 5 Resistances to Change

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Have you ever wanted to start doing what you know you should do, but can’t, or wanted to get yourself to stop doing what you know shouldn’t but didn’t? If so, you might be interested to know there are 5 unconscious resistances to change that are likely blocking your efforts and wearing you out. 

We humans are super smart and learn from past experiences. Memories from those experiences are stored in our subconscious to remind us that what’s about to happen or what we are planning to do may or may not be a good thing. 

These parts of you are commonly known as The Inner Skeptic, The Inner Critic, and The Inner Saboteur. These are unconscious parts of you that are stronger than pure willpower because they are survival-based defenses put in place to protect your true authentic self from being hurt, abandoned, criticized, or annihilated after a trauma.   

This part of you will keep you from changing bad habits or penetrating ceilings of health, love, and happiness if they believe you are at risk of being hurt again. No one gets through childhood (or past lives) without enduring some type of mental, emotional, or physical traumas… even if you think you had a loving family and a storybook childhood.

These 5 resistances will trigger when they sense that your new goal is:

1. Not Safe For You
2. Not Possible For You
3. You Are Not Willing
4. You Don’t Deserve
5. You Don’t Trust

I’ve found that each of your inner survival personalities will soften their grip over your willpower when you ask yourself the following questions. 

1. Is it safe to change this habit or have this goal?
2. Is it possible to change this habit or have this goal?
3. Do I deserve to change this habit or have this goal?
4. Am I willing to change this habit or have this goal?
5. Do I have faith that changing this habit will turn out well for me?

Here’s a simple self-healing process you can do on your own to really dig and find these resistances, so you can let them go.  

I find handwriting in a journal to be one of the most effective ways to access the subconscious.

To begin, take in 3 deep breaths and draw your attention to your heart space. Bring to mind memories of fun, pleasure, happiness, and peace. The more you can build feelings in your heart space, the more power you have to feel good, to heal, and to manifest your dreams.

This is your place of power.

Next, think of a frustrating habit that refuses to change or a goal that refuses to come true, and journal about how you feel and what you think about it, both the positive and negative aspects of it. 

Then, as if you were in conversation with yourself,  ask yourself each of the questions one at a time. As you are asking, you will want to scan your brain and body looking, sensing, and listening for a full yes. If you notice any kind of conflict or tug in your brain or anywhere in your body, you’ve identified a subconscious resistance and will need to chase down the source of the resistance until clears. 

A simple self-healing process you can use to do this is to ask yourself, “Who would you be or what would happen if you were safe, it was possible, if you did deserve, if you were willing, if you had faith that you could handle your new habit or experience, that being different in this way would turn out well for you?”

Look, feel sense, listen again for any kind of conflict, tug in your brain and body, and if you find any, ask yourself, “Is that really true?” Ask yourself again, “Who will you be or what will happen if you continue to hold on to the belief? Who will you be, and what will you be able to do if you let go?”

The goal is to re-ask yourself these same questions until each answer is a complete visceral yes.  

When you have honest yes answers to these questions you’ll be set up to have the freedom to change.  

You deserve to change bad habits and penetrate ceilings of health, happiness, and love.

