When you meet your spirit guides in a crazy way. I love it when you are doing all these exercises and things start happening for you. At first, you see colors and things like that. Then you might begin to hear voices in your head that don’t belong to you. Well not really.
When we are children and we have imaginary friends with lives and families, we are told to stop daydreaming and get out of the clouds. At this point in our evolution, everyone is trying to daydream so they can get into the spirit world. This is our awakening.
You know enough not to say anything to anyone about it when you are young. You put your head down and try to act normal. If you are lucky you have someone who really understands you and you are able to talk to someone about all the psychic shit that starts happening to you.
The time comes when you begin to embrace the things that you see, feel and know. In short, you realize your clairs are open. The point of it is allowing God to pour into you and receiving divine guidance.
The spiritual team consists of you, your angels, your guides, and whatever you consider divine. I have reached the age of 50 and I know that I know that there is more out there than what the church prepared me for. In essence, God is so much bigger than any of us know.
There are so many of us that are coming into a place of awakening so we can awaken the greater planet.
It’s time to come out of the spiritual closet and help to make the world a better place.
I noticed that people are moving into a place where they are not being so selfish. We are thinking about our neighbor, our family, our loved ones and strangers. This is a part of the awakening culture. The God that is in all of us will no longer be silenced.
When you are able to take time to listen to spirit instead of being afraid of what they say to you, your world opens up. You learn to have boundaries and place your open for business sign on and off at will.
If you are ready to take this step to gain greater clarity in your life, you just need to ask. Talk to the spirit like you would anyone else. Make sure you ground your energy so that you can still function in your life.
Don’t be surprised when your third eye opens up and you are seeing your spiritual team and they begin to go to work in your life. They are always there; however, we don’t always recognize them. Hollywood also plays a role in sensationalizing the spiritual world. If you allow yourself to be suckered in by the images of spirit that Hollywood gives you; you will be a loss.
No need to take it all so seriously, you will do better to take it lightly! Spirit beings just go with the flow!