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Steps To Peace When Life Feels Overwhelming

When the chaos of life takes over it can be really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. In this day and age of fast-paced technology and instant gratification due to being tuned in all the time to the online world, inner peace can feel like a million miles away.

I have mentioned before in my blogs that I often suffer from bouts of anxiety. Sometimes it can hit me like a tonne of bricks as most of the time that feeling of overwhelm can subtly build up over time so that you didn’t realize it was there till it’s too late. So in this blog, I will be sharing with you some of the spiritual tools I use on a daily basis to cultivate a sense of inner peace and wellbeing. I hope by sharing my own journey that I can help others on their own path.

Treat Your Mind Like a Garden

Like a garden weeds can take hold and often if someone doesn’t pick them out they can spread, ruining the whole garden and making it unsightly to behold. Like your mind, you need to take action to cultivate a beautiful vibrant mind filled with loving thoughts. See your thoughts as just that. Thoughts.

When we allow our thoughts to control our emotions, our energy can result in us feeling like we have no control over our lives. Work on filtering out what triggers negative thinking such as social media, news, what people say to you and work on allowing only the positive in but surrounding yourself with uplifting energy.

I do this usually by watching inspiring videos on youtube when I’m feeling down, writing (blog posts or I keep journals), finding something creative to inspire your mind, listening to positive affirmations (this is best done first thing in the morning and before bed). Most importantly know that your thoughts don’t have control over you.

See Anxiety As A Gift

Anxiety is our bodies’ intelligent way of telling us to stop and slow down. Notice that you may actually be in pain emotionally and need to work on self-love. Notice those moments when you feel anxious and rather than over-analyze (which I do all the time) do something that brings in an energy of love to yourself. Do something just for you. This could mean having a relaxing bath, doing some yoga, eating something yummy, giving your dog (or pet) a cuddle. Work on cultivating a regular self-care practice and not just for those moments when you feel rubbish, but give yourself permission to love yourself every day.

Find Moments In The Day For You

Recently when I had a really bad bout of anxiety after the Christmas holidays, I honestly lost motivation to do anything. I was sleeping in longer, more tired and had no energy to enjoy anything. Then I read a book I got for Christmas, from Amy Landino (she has an amazing youtube channel and absolutely love her) called Good Morning Good Life. This book taught me the importance of having a morning routine that supports not only your dreams but your mental health too.

Sometimes it means having to do the hard thing and getting up earlier than everyone else, but see when you do, that time you have first thing in the morning starts to feel precious. I usually get up about 5:45, 45 mins before my husband (I’m building up to half 5 but not quite there yet). I do a 10-minute meditation to help me focus inward and then a 10-minute positive affirmation meditation to build a healthier mindset.

In the next 20 minutes, I focus on self-care, which can mean journaling, pulling an Angel Card for the day or doing some eft (tapping) on any blocks that I feel need to be addressed. By the time my wee boy is up at 7 to get ready for school I feel so much more in control of my day and honestly think this has helped me immensely.

Organize Your Life and Simplify

If anxiety comes from a place of overwhelm because you have so much on you’re to-do list then maybe you need to look at what you are prioritizing. Because it sounds like you’re not putting yourself first. Find small ways to start with to simplify your life but first, you have to look at where your energy is actually going. To do this it can be good to plan out your whole day, from the moment you get up till when you go to bed. I love using Google Calendar for this which helps me prioritize but also what is important. So get your google calendar on your phone or computer and plan each hour of your day.

Then really look and notice what your day is filled up doing. Are you doing the things that light you up? Get you excited? Or make you feel drained and stressed? Are there tasks that you can delegate or ask for help with? Really be strict with yourself and start planning your day in a different way. Prioritize the tasks that are important to you, that supports your dreams and visions for how you want to live your life.

I could honestly go on forever with this blog but I want to keep it short so that you can start implementing small changes now so that in a month’s time you will be in a different place. Anxiety can really take over so whenever you do feel overwhelmed please talk to someone. Sometimes feel alone in the world can be the worst feeling so open up. Let those who love you in. You deserve so much happiness. 

