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Stepping Out of Fear and Taking Action

For many people this is a scary time.  COVID-19 (or Coronavirus as it is commonly known) has unfortunately been sweeping the world.  There are substantial increases of cases daily in affected areas and I’m sure most of you are glued to the news like I was.

I have decided to take action by following the precautions advised by the experts, which include hand washing, using antibacterial hand-gel, taking vitamin supplements and social distancing as much as possible.

I have also tried to distance myself from the constant news updates, especially the fake news on social media because it was consuming me and causing too much stress and worry.  I made a decision to stay positive, not to focus on the negativity in the media and most importantly keep my faith.  I focused on how many people are recovering from the virus.

I decided to do something positive and check the Feng Shui energy in my home to ensure everything that should be in place for health this year was in place.  We aren’t in control of what is happening in the outside world right now, so let us all concentrate on what we can control, like protecting ourselves, our health and the energy in our homes.

You should check the west, east, south and center sectors of your home and I have listed below what remedies to put in place.  To find out where these sectors fall on your floor plan, please see instructions below…

Using the floor plan of your home or business, measure the width and length of your property with a ruler & divide your floor plan into 9 equal squares.  Place the above Lo Shu Square over your floor plan (see example below).  If your entrance door faces east you should mark the square your door falls into as the East sector and then mark all the other sectors accordingly. Use a compass to determine the direction of your front door, you can do this by standing at the threshold of your entrance door (looking out) and take the compass reading e.g. 78˚ east.

Below are a few remedies that you can choose from to cure the negative energies of each sector.


The west sector represents children and also the lungs.  The fame energy which has flown into this sector this year can be both negative or positive but with this fame fire energy being in the lung sector of your home, it is showing us the negative side of its energy by having fire in the lungs.

As the Coronavirus is a virus which affects the lungs, I advise you to display any of the following earth elements to try and suppress the negative fire energy and promote good health.  Display anything made from glass, crystal or ceramic, e.g. Glass Vases, Glass Ornaments, Crystal Balls, Crystal Bowls, Ceramic Bowls or Vases.

Avoid red or blue colors, avoid candles and also avoid plants here in 2020.

As the fame energy is in the west and this sector represents children, the positive side of this energy is showing up as protecting children against this virus.  For some unknown reason, so far children are not affected by the virus to the same degree as adults are.


The illness energy resides in the south sector in 2020, so consider placing metal objects here.  I highly recommend a brass Wu Luo as a cure for this troublesome illness energy.  If you would like one, they can be found and purchased from Amazon.

Alternatively, you could use a metal wind-chime or pendulum clock.  If you live in a warm climate, a ceiling fan or desk fan would be perfect to use in this sector to help drain the illness energy.  Keep it switched on as much as possible.


The disaster energy resides in the east sector this year; this sector represents health, family and the oldest son.  A great remedy would be to place 3 lucky bamboo stalks in the east sector.  Place them in a glass vase full of water, adding pebbles or stones to the bottom of the vase.  As an alternative you could add a white orchid or a healthy green plant here.

Avoid using the color red, orange or purple in this sector because these represent fire.  Do not use candles or bright lights in this sector either this year.


The center sector has the violence energy residing here this year.  Please don’t let the word violence frighten you too much, yes it is a negative energy but it may just be a burn from the iron, or a cut finger.  I do not want to scare people with my Feng Shui, I want to use it to help you.  Always remember everyone has these energies in their home.

The center sector is one of the most important areas in your home because it affects everyone living in your house.  To remedy the negative energy of this sector you can use water elements such as the color blue, water images or sea shells.


Check your home for any water leaks or drips, because leaking water represents loss; this could be loss of health or income.  Check all your pipes, toilet systems and taps because at this time it is essential that you protect your health and your income. Also fix any blockages you may have as you don’t want blockages in any area of your home.

I hope when this virus is over, there will be a lot of positive changes in the world.  Pollution will hopefully be reduced; everyone will enjoy their freedom again and love their jobs.  I hope the restaurants and pubs will be full and everyone will continue to be kind and look out for one another.  I hope the children will be excited to return to school and the world will change as we reset our outlook on life.

Everyone, please, take care and look after your loved ones, we are living in extraordinary times.

