Rohini Moradi, the face behind the quickly-growing Magic Inclined community and podcast, was born into a spiritually-driven life in Tehran, Iran and now lives in California. After an NDE that eventually took the life of her young baby girl, Rohini began her self-healing journey. She created her own ‘soul degree’ with the best teachers in the business including certifications for Reiki levels 1 and 2 with Dr. Eric Rubin, Yoga Teacher Training via Ocean Beach Yoga, Clairvoyance training with Leon Le Grant, Breath-work training with Ashley Neese, and Hypnotherapy training with Marissa Peer. She is also a trained Akashic Records practitioner via the great Dr. Linda Howe, amongst others. As an Akashic Records specialist, Rohini focuses her work with those who are new on their spiritual path and those who want to become teachers of the Akasha. Her work with the Akashic Records started with channeling messages for clients but has transitioned into teaching people how to do it for themselves. Learn more about Rohini on www.magicinclined.com/meetrohini
Welcome everybody, welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat for Spiritual Biz Magazine; and today we have joining us Akashic Records specialist and healer Rohini Moradi. Welcome, Rohini, thank you for being with us, how are you doing today?
ROHINI MORADI: I’m doing great! Thank you for asking 🙂
It’s a pleasure to have you here, Rohini! Could you share the story behind your personal journey down the path to your current life’s purpose and work?
ROHINI: Absolutely. I was born and raised in the only Hindu temple in Iran, and all during the Muslim revolution. I had the privilege of traveling all over India while my father would speak at different temples. I love that part of my childhood. We also lived in Iran, so it wasn’t all fun and adventure. The sound of bombs going off was an ordinary backdrop to family dinners, fear of our lives was very present. We were able to flee the war-torn country and escape to America finally. I tried to blend in the best I could, but ultimately I stuck out like a sore thumb. I would get bullied and teased often, and holding my inner light became difficult, but I somehow kept it burning. All the spiritual work I got to witness as a child helped here.
Years passed, I played in bands and traveled the world, I started a few successful businesses (and a few practice ones), I got married, and our little Pele came to us. This new motherhood journey had me aching to share my childhood with my daughter. While American citizenship kept us from visiting Iran, I decided to take my family on an adventure to India. We traveled all around, and by my mother’s recommendation, we went to Rishikesh and had an astrology reading that changed our lives. The reader said that it would be unlikely for us to have another child and that if we did, the child, who most likely was a girl, would not stay for long. And, of course, at this point, we decided to add to our family. Our beautiful daughter, Rishi, was born nine months later through a difficult birth where we both lost our breath, and I was out of the body for a few minutes. I cherished her, and holding her felt like a homecoming. It was a beautifully strange feeling. We loved every moment and one day woke up to Rishi not breathing. Despite all the effort emergency service and the excellent doctors and nurses put forward, they could not recover her.
Rishi’s departure ultimately broke me, and I was left to rebuild myself from the ground up. Through this re-build, I sat in meditation often (and still do). As I processed the pain and looked inward, I started receiving messages from guides. There’s a whole podcast I recorded dedicated to this if you’re interested in the entire story. Ultimately, I found the Akashic Records. I practiced, read for others, and eventually started teaching others how to read their own. I now train prospective practitioners to read for others and lead a select group of people to teach about the records. This ancient tool has profoundly affected me, and I know the ripple effect of teaching others will travel far.
Your life journey is incredible but not without unimaginable pain and devastating trauma – the loss of your newborn on top of almost losing your own life. How did you manage to survive such a death-defying experience and choose to heal over endless grieving?
ROHINI: This is a great question, and it wasn’t easy. I remember thinking about how I could go on and continue living the way I knew it. The true answer was that I couldn’t. I had to rebuild, and in doing so, I had to face many repressed demons. When a deep trauma like that happens, it breaks a person entirely in half, and it’s easy to stay broken. I was privileged enough to have had a spiritual foundation, which helped me navigate the pain and re-build. I also want to mention that the grieving never stops; it just continuously changes form…it comes in waves, as they say, and I’m learning how to navigate it better and better every day. Meditation helps me.
This process of accepting grief and how it leads to healing and greater self-knowledge… is this what helped you define the stages of spiritual awakening that you now share through your work with others?
ROHINI: Absolutely. I would not be here and in this position had it not been for the profound grief I experienced.
With the coronavirus pandemic and all this current negative noise around us today, more and more people are turning to lightworkers in their search for peace and comfort s well as discovering amazing benefits of yoga and meditation. As an expert, what are some meditation and yoga techniques you would recommend for our current daily practice?
ROHINI: I love this question! The world all grieved together in the last year, and self-healing techniques are so necessary. My favorite practice for times of uncertainty is the ancient yogic breathing (pranayama) practice called Sama Vritti, or the Box Breath. I do this practice every day before yoga and meditation. I have also been leading Monday mindfulness for my daughter’s 3rd-grade class, which I implement this practice. The kids and grownups all love it and have been seeing the benefit.

Here’s how you do it: you sit comfortably on the floor or a chair, you can have your eyes open or closed, you inhale for four counts through your nostrils, hold the breath in your belly for four counts, exhale slowly for four counts, hold for four. You can repeat four times or for four minutes.
What is your ultimate goal with your work? What is your mission? Your dream?
ROHINI: My ultimate goal for my work is to bring the realization forward that every person is perfect, eternally loved, and that they have the power to make their dreams come through by allowing their inner light to glow fully.
Is there a final message you want to let our readers know? Or just any last little words that you have for them?
ROHINI: You are perfect, you are enough, and you are eternally loved.
Thank you, Rohini, very much! It has been such a pleasure chatting with you today!
ROHINI: Thank you so much! It was an honor chatting with you.