Rachel Lang is a professional astrologer, healer, and psychic medium who has worked for the past 15 years with businesses and individuals, including A-list celebrities, tech startup entrepreneurs, bestselling authors, activists, and students. Rachel holds a master’s degree in theology from Loyola Marymount University and as an internationally recognized speaker, she offers classes, lectures, and workshops on a variety of topics to her clientele. Some of her business collaborations have included workshops on Goddess asteroids, Solar Returns, Money and Love, Astrology 101, among other topics.
Rachel serves as the Vice President of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR), is the Outreach Director for the international board of the NCGR, and is also a member of the International Society for Astrological Research. Additionally, Rachel writes a monthly horoscope column for the Omega Institute’s Omega News, as well as LVBX Magazine and she has contributed to publications such as Bustle, Well+Good, and Romper. Rachel recently released her book, Modern Day Magic, across the US, UK, Canada, and Australia via publisher Hardie Grant. Find Rachel on https://rachellangastrologer.com/
Welcome everybody, welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat for Spiritual Biz Magazine, and today we have joining us Rachel Lang, a professional astrologer, healer, and psychic medium. Welcome, Rachel, thank you for being with us, how are you doing today?
RACHEL LANG: Great, thank you! It’s nice to be here with you for Spiritual Biz.
It’s a pleasure to have you here, Rachel! Could you share the story behind your personal journey down the path to your current life’s purpose and work?
RACHEL: I discovered astrology when I was 14 years old during a trip to the public library. I constructed my chart for the first time, read through the delineations, and became hooked! Astrology helped me develop self-awareness, which lied to self-acceptance.
From there, I took development classes at a Spiritualist church, worked with magic in ritual contexts, and familiarized myself with esoteric texts.
I never imagined I could turn my passion for spirituality into a career path, but then I met two important mentors in my life. I had been working in marketing at an agency, and in a session, my dear friend and soul reader Maryann Russell said, “Why don’t you astrology and psychic mediumship?” I worked with another mentor, Thomas Parsons, to prepare for my astrological certification exam. It was no joke- an 8-hour exam with a lot of math!
I gave three free readings, and my practice grew. That was in 2006, and I’ve never looked back. It’s an example of how our path unfolds like magic when we’re aligned to our purpose.
I love helping people connect with and experience their supernatural power. It’s life-changing! It’s incredible to witness my students’ opening to their gifts in ways that blow our minds. Likewise, information I share in client sessions can lead to a breakthrough, or they can experience profound healing by connecting with a loved one in spirit. Lately, I’ve been leading more rituals and creating a community of support for anyone longing to develop their spiritual awareness, deepen intuition, or gather in rituals. When we gather in a magical process, we can shape our lives and participate in a global shift – a spiritual revolution—that centers around magic as a force for good in the world.
How inspiring! You are both a psychic and an astrologer. How do you combine your talents in astrology with your gifts of psychic mediumship in your daily work?
RACHEL: That’s a great question! I developed my psychic mediumship skills and learned astrology at the same time. So, the two always went hand-in-hand for me. I use the chart as an access point to open to spirit. I’m very technical with astrology, and I study the chart, including working with predictive techniques, prior to meeting with a client. Then, when I’m in session, I open to spirit and move fluidly between astrology and psychic mediumship to best meet my clients’ needs.
I rely on the chart for timing, as I find it a helpful predictive tool to see timelines for when shifts might occur in someone’s life. I also work with astrocartography, an astrological mapping tool.
I enjoy helping my students discover the most effective way to work with their gifts, too. I have been doing this work long enough that I have worked with a variety of tools over the years, like tarot, Reiki, and remote viewing. I’ve reached a point where I mentor others in building a spiritual business, no matter what modalities or specialties they offer.
Congratulations on your upcoming release of “Modern Day Magic: 8 Simple Rules to Realize Your Power & Shape Your Life”! That’s exciting! What was the inspiration behind this book and when did you know you were ready to write it?
RACHEL: My “magic crisis” led to this book. We had been trying to start a family and facing one setback after another for several years. Then, on a walk one day, I strolled past Alexandria II bookstore in Pasadena, CA. I heard an inner voice say, “There’s something here for you.” I walked in and spotted a journal with the words, Think in Magic on the cover. I sat at the nearby coffee shop and wrote, “I think I’ll start a magic journal.” I didn’t think I would stick with it, but as I questioned, I felt as if something took over my pen. In a different handwriting, in all capital letters, I penned, “MAGIC RULE #1: TRUST YOURSELF.”
I had worked with rituals and practiced magic for decades, and I had studied it from an academic perspective in working toward my master’s degree in Theology. However, that fateful day led to a three-year deep dive working with magic, which I now understand as an exploration in our inherent spiritual power.
What do you hope for the readers to take away after reading your book? What would you say to those who currently long for a spiritual shift and the ability to access their intuition?
RACHEL: I hope to reach people who are looking to access more of their intuition and are open to the power of their spiritual selves. This book helps readers deepen their intuition, reach beyond their limits, and access more of their spiritual power.
When I researched the witch trials in graduate school, I discovered the relationship between power, gender, and spirituality. The word magic was first used as a derogatory word by the Greeks in explaining the spiritual practices of some Persians. Since then, it’s been used to differentiate one group of people from another. It’s also been used against outcasts, outsiders, and oppressed groups of people. My hope is that we can reclaim the word magic and find ways to use it to shape our personal lives and change the world.
When we go through periods of feeling flat or void of passion, we go through what I call a “magic crisis.” In these times, we feel disconnected from ourselves and our spirituality. Simple, everyday practices help bring us back into alignment. When we incorporate magic into our everyday lives, we feel more alive, passionate, and purposeful.
I explain in the book why we might fear our power or feel disconnected from our potential, and I offer simple exercises, meditations, and rituals to help.
What is your ultimate goal with your work? What is your mission? Your dream?
RACHEL: Magic is a spiritual revolution that’s happening right now as we all wake up to our power in new ways. We’ve seen significant spiritual shifts since Neptune entered Pisces in 2012, and it’s just the beginning. We are changing the power structures that have been based on domination, and we’re moving toward a new experience of power. Magic is a part of that shift. My goal is to lead others to discover their magic—their power. I have been leading rituals, facilitating gatherings and retreats, and mentoring students. I love this work! I am planning some events for 2022 to do more of this work, and even taking some of these processes into nonprofit organizations.

I’m thrilled to be teaching classes, too! I teach Astrology for Creatives class with my good friend and collaborator Bonnie Gillespie, I’m on the faculty for the Relationships and Astrology certification course, and I am leading a Psychic Mediumship Certification and Mentoring course in early 2022. I have other book projects in the works as well, including a children’s book. I suppose you could say I’m living my mission right now, and with gratitude, I’ll allow it to keep expanding in whatever ways spirit leads.
Is there a final message you want to let our readers know? Or just any last little words that you have for them?
RACHEL: When I started my practice, I faced an uphill climb for several years. There were times when I was working a day job while seeing clients on the weekends and writing horoscopes in whatever free time I had. I didn’t give up, and nor should you if you’re facing a tough time!
It’s important to see what role transiting Saturn plays in our charts, as its cycle can indicate when our efforts to build a career path will pay off. We all have different paths, as indicated by our natal charts. So, it doesn’t help to compare ourselves to anyone else. If you need a message that you’re on your path and to keep going, consider this your sign from the universe. Don’t give up! We are all in this together, building, shaping, and co-creating a new earth. Let’s work together to raise the vibration of this planet and make it a better place for all!
Thank you, Rachel, very much! It has been such a pleasure chatting with you today!
RACHEL: Thank you for the opportunity! I’ve enjoyed connecting with you and love being a part of Spiritual Biz.