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Spiritual Biz Chat: Nadia Tumas


059_Nadia Dumas photoNadia Tumas is an award-winning Life and Business Coach, an Advanced Certified Hand Analyst working with women entrepreneurs. She is an internationally known, leading expert with a thriving private practice. 

People are sometimes surprised to learn that Nadia graduated from university with a degree in Chemical Engineering, she then went on to become a fully licensed Branch Office Manager in Financial Services. Nadia is also a Licensed Practical Nurse with extensive clinical experience as well as being an accomplished Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki Master. 

This dichotomy of experiences makes perfect sense to Nadia: “I am, at my core, a scientist who searches for the fundamental truth in whatever I do. With my unique blend of business experience combined with a very high sense of perception and clairvoyant ability, intuition and an understanding of human psychology and physiology, I approach my unique work from a practical scientific point of view as well as an intuitive one, to bring brilliance to millions.”





