KIMBERLY: Having to work in a way of self-publishing and then working with a traditional publisher, what do you think are the pros or cons of doing either one? I know so many people have that question in mind.
KATERINA: With traditional publishing, there are issues with paying a few to edit, prepare your book, and because there are so many people wanting to publish, it takes a lot of time and patience working with individuals. You may not always agree with their corrections or changes. However, when you are self-publishing, if you don’t go the Amazon route where you have the KDT select at your command, the downfall on that I think is that you are everything – you are the editor, publisher, you have to design your own cover, back cover, spine, the interior of it, the layout. They give you a little lead way but you do your own work.
That is what I did, I did my work then sent the work to be professionally edited. I cannot say enough about having it professionally edited because if someone wants to nitpick, go in your book, and say, “She left an e off here,” or, “She spelled this word incorrectly, forgot this comma or period,” to me it takes away from your credibility in a way. If you are willing to self-publish, I would pay a little extra and have someone professionally edit your book. When it comes to a book cover, you may want to go that route as well.
“When you are self-publishing, you are everything – the editor, publisher, designer…” ~Katerina St. Claire