Isabeau Maxwell is one of the leading spiritual coaches in intuitive development, Isabeau brings deep channeled knowledge and personal understanding to spirituality. She has been helping people connect to their authentic, natural, intuitive abilities for over 15 years.
Isabeau is an internationally known medium, author, and teacher, who has touched the lives of people throughout the world. Known for her compassion and accuracy, Isabeau brings peace and comfort to many through her energy work, transformative sessions, and teachings.
Isabeau is the founder of The SAGE Method, a life-changing intuitive training program that teaches people how to open their intuitive abilities and live an authentic, blissful life. She is also the creator of The SAGE Circle, Discovery Meditation, and the author of Cracking Open: Adventures of a Reluctant Medium. More on www.thesagemethod.com.
Welcome everybody, welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat for Spiritual Biz Magazine, and today we have joining us a spiritual coach Isabeau Maxwell. Welcome, Maxwell, thank you for being with us, how are you doing today?
Isabeau: I am fantastic, thank you. The sun is shining and it’s a great day!
It’s a pleasure to have you here, Isabeau! We’ve heard that there are certain events which you experienced and which opened up your intuition and allowed you to step into spiritual realms. We are curious what those events were that put you on the path from being a skeptic to growing into a professional medium?
Isabeau: Thank you so much and yes, it was an interesting experience for me for sure. Up until the age of thirty-one, I was a complete skeptic of all things spiritual. It wasn’t until my grandmother passed away in Minnesota and I was in New Hampshire that an event happened that changed my life. An hour or two after she passed, she showed up in my living room in spirit form. She was transparent but she was vivid at the same time.
Now, to say this frightened me is an understatement. I was really shocked! She smiled and winked at me and then disappeared. I blew it off as grief and went on with my flight planning for the funeral. She kept showing up to me over the next few months, mostly through cold sensations and goosebumps. I learned how to communicate with her through a pendulum to get yes and no questions. In time, I began to receive messages that continually proved to me that what I was experiencing was indeed real. From there, I stepped into developing my intuition further and began seeing and communicating with more spirits. In time, I was working as a professional medium. I guess you could say I didn’t search it out, it found me.
How did you manage to step out of your comfort zone and start serving others? What have you learned along the way of becoming confident in your intuitive abilities?
Isabeau: Stepping out of my comfort zone is a great way to explain what I went through. It was the first year or two that I was very uncomfortable with my new existence. Before seeing spirits I was calm, knowing that when I locked the doors at night, I was alone. Now that I was communicating with spirits, I quickly realized that a locked door doesn’t stop them from coming in. I did some deep inner work for a few months and learned how to take charge of myself and the space around me. I was able to balance my environment and my experience with the other side and spirits. Understanding more of what was happening to me was the key to relaxing into my new way of life and being able to reach out to others to help them.
Even the biggest skeptics around the globe start to realize how our emotional well-being directly affects our physical health. But they still don’t know where to start to improve their lives. What is your way of taking care of your energetic body?
Isabeau: Hands down, my favorite way of taking care of my energy body is GCP, aka Ground, Clear, Protect. Over the years, I have seen GCP help thousands of people balance, center, and find their spiritual flow. We all have energy that flows through us and expands outside of our physical body. And while we were raised to take care of our physical body, many times we were not raised to take care of our energetic body. The short, quick version of GCP is to imagine grounding to Mother Earth, clearing out old energy you no longer need and protecting yourself with a bubble of sorts that filters what comes into your energetic space. The end goal would be to only take on that which you are supposed to take on. Caring for your energy body this way brings massive balance into your life, it makes a huge difference with your well-being. I know it has changed my life for the better.
You’ve created the intuitive training program The SAGE Method to share spiritual guidance with a broader public. Can you share with us what SAGE means and what the program is about? What do you think sets it apart from other spiritual training programs out there?
Isabeau: This program is close to my heart because it all began with my own personal intuitive development starting back in 2006. You could say I was the first to walk through the SAGE Method and benefit from it. In essence, my guides asked me to put the program together from what I had learned and experienced over the first few years of my progress from brand new to intuition to a professional medium. SAGE stands for Spirituality, Accuracy, Growth, and Empowerment. It’s more than just practicing with cards or psychic exercises. I guess you could say that is what sets it apart and makes it so powerful. It not only opens your intuition; it allows you to be the best version of you and finally start to live the life you’ve always wanted to live.

The SAGE Method is a formula that when followed allows for massive growth in intuition. It discovers who you are at the core, allows you to fully step into that, and as a result your intuition flows with much more ease and clarity. Everyone is intuitive, it’s just a matter of uncovering it and the SAGE Method does that systematically.
Is there a final message you want to let our readers know? Or just any last little words that you have for them?
Isabeau: If there was one thing I could leave someone with it would be to start. Simply start somewhere. Even the smallest of steps leads you in the direction you wish to go. Let go of comparisons of yourself to others and take just one tiny step in the direction you’ve been yearning to go in and you will see doors open for you. The universe listens to the small steps just as much as it listens to large leaps.
Thank you, Isabeau, very much! It has been such a pleasure chatting with you today!
Isabeau: Thank you so much and thank you for having me. You have such a wonderful platform for people and I’m grateful to be able to be a part of it.