Whether it be as a mystic, yogi, yoga therapist, or through his new book of poetry and short stories, ‘innocence’, the author known solely as Deep would like to provide a space and time for others to look within and merge their light with darkness. Deep is a first-generation American from Punjabi Ancestry and throughout his life, he has been influenced profoundly through his heritage and the traditions of Yoga, Sikhism, and Islam, all rooted in the balance between the practical and mystical. He even felt called to travel to India to study the Ancient Yogic traditions and has since taught numerous types of yoga including Ashtanga Vinyasa and Yoga Nidra internationally and domestically in a variety of environments including prisons, public schools, hospitals, mental health clinics, rehabilitation centers, and even war zones. In addition to the above, Deep has many passions including skateboarding, fashion, abstract and contemporary art, meditation, and various physical and mental exercises. He is also the owner and founder of DeepElevation LLC, a company that helps others transform physically, mentally, creatively, emotionally, and spiritually. The culmination of all his life experiences led Deep to his forthcoming poetry book, innocence. innocence, releasing September 28th, expresses the vulnerability and depth of exploring the parts of ourselves that are natural and native to us and not influenced by the external world and society. Deep will be donating 50% of his book profits to Khalsa Aid & Islamic Relief. Find Deep on www.innocencebydeep.com

Welcome everybody, welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat for Spiritual Biz Magazine, and today we have joining us mystic, yogi, and author solely known as Deep. Welcome, Deep, thank you for being with us, how are you doing today?
Deep: Peace to everyone, thank you for having me. I am feeling quite groovy, relaxed, and a bit reflective today.
It’s a pleasure to have you here, Deep! Could you share the story behind your personal journey down the path to your current life’s purpose and work?
Deep: The honor is mine. And yes, indeed, I can share some perspective. Well, if I was to articulate it in words, I would say the moment I started listening to my breath and heart, everything changed. My story has elements of linear and non-linear interactions with time and space, and that has been very intriguing for me to experience because I have been provided an opportunity to interact with chaos. The ebb and flow of life have connected me to the multipotentiality and dimensionality life has to over each of us human beings. My current life’s purpose is to share an intimate spiritual and emotional depth with humans through my book ‘innocence’ and the concept of innocence that it contains within it. My body will fade one day but what I have learned is what I create will not; it will remain. Thus, I am directly and indirectly holding space and time in ‘innocence’ to help catalyze the subjective and objective healing and growth each human may need.
How inspiring! Congratulations on your upcoming release of ‘innocence’ which will be published and released on September 28th! That’s exciting! What was the inspiration behind this book and what do you hope for the readers to take away from it?
Deep: Thank you, I sincerely appreciate your words. The fact that I am able to have the privilege to be grateful for such an endeavor is chilling. ‘innocence’ started out as a span of 30 days of being emotionally and spiritually vulnerable with myself while practicing Ramadan in April 2020. When a human doesn’t have food and water from sunrise to sunset it does something to the evolution of the being within the body. Something inside of me changed and needed to do this, and so without my control, it happened. I would like each reader to experience it for themselves without any expectation from me as an author or artist because the book is an artistic expression. Perhaps they will walk away with some emotional and spiritual depth and wisdom to navigate.
In the current health crisis, even the biggest skeptics around the globe start to realize how our emotional well-being directly affects our physical health. Would you mind sharing an excerpt or two of your poems with those who are searching for their true selves?
Deep: The interesting thing is regardless of whether Covid-19 occurred in 2020 or not, the connection between the emotions and body has always been there but whether or not humans would have allowed themselves to access it is another conversation. Most humans whether they like it or not with their individualistic tendencies only have these out-of-body experiences in heavy dosages during a time period where there is mass attention on one specific thing. Sure, I can share this one below:
Synchronicity begins to happen frequently
When touch is lost
With the constructs
While connection is established to
that which was lost
not looking to be found
You teaching yoga in unique environments like prisons and war zones is so fascinating! What were the biggest challenges that you faced and what were the biggest wins that you witnessed in those environments?
Deep: Each environment will have humans that require basic sustenance, a will, and methods to cope with survival. Sharing the practice of yoga in such spaces is one that requires a balance of detachment as well as profound vulnerability to one’s heart. In these spaces, you encounter humans that have immediate dire needs, yet your role as a yogic practitioner is to teach them how to connect and align with their breath and not anything else. Teaching someone to let go of their circumstances when you yourself have encountered triggering moments like this personally and within family is triggering because it is a familiar experience, yet also it is a humbling experience because you realize how you as a person should be grateful for the specific lot of life you have been given. At the same time, you have to remain objective and administer specific yogic techniques for the advancement as students of the actual yogic practice to the population you are working with. Regardless of your perceived impact, you have to share your heart and also teach each student the value of this practice by remaining a steadfast example.
Deep, what is your ultimate goal with your work? What is your mission? Your dream?
Deep: Honestly, I don’t know, I have a purpose for some time and then something in my heart or spirit sweeps me away and transports me with the wind somewhere else in space. Occasionally my mind takes over and I also live based on the objectivity of my subjective mind for a while. I guess I just want to live life and continue freeing myself from any shackles that may be there while I am still alive.
Is there a final message you want to let our readers know? Or just any last little words that you have for them?
Deep: Follow your spirit and soul to the depths it wants to travel to, you won’t regret it.
Thank you, Deep, very much! It has been such a pleasure chatting with you today!
Deep: Likewise, thank you for giving me the opportunity to express and connect through this medium. May peace and a bit of chaos be a part of your day today.