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Monthly Rhythm: Soul’s Desire

It’s manifesting time! So what do you want?

Last month we focused on letting go. This month it’s all about inspiring new paths to whatever it is we want to experience. The rhythm of this month will provide us with opportunities to create lots of new pathways. This is a good time to disconnect from the past and break free.

This will be a productive month and the energy will allow us to build new relationships, release old habits, and free ourselves from being stuck. This is the kind of energy that inspires us to do new things. It’s a time to identify what moves us toward whatever we’re most passionate about.  

We may be feeling disconnected emotionally and intellectually. It is in these areas where we could benefit most from an early spring cleaning. This is about disrupting our own boundaries so we can grow out of old habits that are no longer working for us. This is an opportunity to heal old wounds and a good time to attract different people and try new things. We need to free our souls of heavy burdens so we can create new belief systems. This a time when manifestation can occur instantaneously.

This is a terrifying and exciting time all at once. It’s a time to differentiate between what is secure in our lives from what is no longer working for us. It’s a time to nourish ourselves and clear out the things that are standing in the way of what our souls desire.

Focus on balance, stick to the facts, and be flexible. If things get stuffy, come up for air. Focus on the truth. What is your heart saying? Don’t waste time dancing around in dysfunctional situations or relationships.

Are we speaking the truth? Let’s not allow our inner critics to rule of our thoughts—to trick us into thinking how stupid we are, how depressed we should be, or how worthy of ridicule our desires are. Let’s be careful not to silence our hearts with past rejections and disappointments. Let’s tune in to what our souls desire by listening to our hearts. Our hearts are screaming for change!

The key is in our hand to live within the domicile of our new belief system (the new book of our lives). It’s a key that will open new doors as soon as we are ready to walk through them. We’ll get there by creating new, healthier thoughts and affirmations for ourselves.

This is a great month to get excited about the possibilities and easily transition to a new pathway toward wherever our souls want to go—to achieve whatever our souls desire!



