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Shield Your Energy

The first quarter of 2020 has taught me the importance of shielding my energy.  I have had to look beneath the surface of things and take a long hard look at relationships, situations and habits that no longer serve my highest good and make sound decisions to let them go.

Our energy fields are sacred and it is impossible to thrive as spiritual beings in toxic environments.  For us to be successful we have to clear and screen our surroundings.  It’s also important for us to screen our emotions healthily; washing away negative physical and mental influences that may restrict us from living a peaceful life.

Although we may not be able to control everything that happens in the world around us, we do have to power and the authority to change things that cross the boundaries we have set in place around our sacred space. This involves protecting our energy fields.

Looking deeper into situations and relationships that affect our lives may require us to set back and retreat for long periods to discover truths that are not easily seen when we are closely engaged during our everyday activities.   You may be feeling swamped right now, feeling like you are swimming through murky waters and may feel the need to rest and hibernate from others while you gather your senses and get a new perspective of things.

It’s important to follow your intuition and rest when need be.  I took the entire month of March to rest and reflect on the condition of my life.  It was hard for me to pull back from people, places, and things but I had to follow my gut and I am so happy I did.  I was able to see things from a different perspective.

When I looked beneath the surface of things, I discovered that the influences from other people were suffocating my natural gifts and talents and they needed to be nurtured.  As evolving spiritual beings, we require a healthy, supportive and loving environment for us to grow and thrive.

During my sabbatical I have taken the time to focus on my health, release toxic emotions that had crept into my consciousness and examine my energy and how it interacts with other people.  I have used the element of water to purify myself as well as my soul to unblock my energy fields and create a smooth flow for my healing and growth.

I desire to inspire you to shield your energy, fight for your spiritual wellness and do whatever it takes to experience the joy and peace which are sacred gifts from the universe.  Don’t continue to stroll through this life running on fumes.  Live this life to the fullest and be free of all things that may try to keep you in bondage energetically. Namaste!

